Part 1

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After your parents divorce you move from Georgia to florida with your mum and older brother Ethan. You are a junior and Ethan is a senior. As you walk into your first class you see you old best friends from kindergarten who was also your first crush, will he remember you?
Y/m: your mum
E: Ethan
Y/n: your name
P: Payton Moormeier
J: Jackson felt 
Jo: Josh Richards
Ja: Jaden Hossler
N: Nessa Barrett
M: Mads Lewis
A: Avani Gregg

Josh and Nessa are dating, Jaden and Mads are dating (Ik there not irl anymore but oh well) Jackson, Payton and Avani are single. Everyone in this story is 16-17 yrs old part from your brother who is 18.
**this means someone's thoughts**
You wake up to the sound of your alarm. You turn it off. A few minutes later your mum knocks on your door.
Y/m: get up you don't want to be late on your first day
You get out of bed and get dressed you wear. You never wear any make up.

 Once your ready you go downstairs

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Once your ready you go downstairs. Your mum is making waffles. Your favourite. You sit at the island in your kitchen. While you eating Ethan comes down.
E: I'm driving to school
Y/n: no I am we already discussed this
E: Yeah and we agreed that I would drive
Y/n: no, you said I could drive so I'm driving
E: no
Y/m: let you little sister drive
E: but-
Y/n: no buts she's driving

You give him the 'i always win' smile and continue eating. When your done you say good bye to your mum and drive to school. You get out and go to the office because you need to get your timetable. Two boys walk in to the office.  One of them comes and talk to you
???: hi I'm Jackson Felt I will be showing you around the school
Y/n: hi how long have you live here
J: my whole life
Y/n: you like it
J: yeah, I'm in the same form as you and we have Miss Lynch she's pretty chill you can just sit there on you phone. You can sit with me any my friends
Y/n: sounds cool

You walk the rest of the way in silence. You get there and everyone is messing about.
J: there are my friends
He says pointing to a group at the back. You look at them and first person you notice is someone you never thought you would see again. Payton Moormeier. You must have been staring because Jackson said
J: don't even bother he's the schools fuckboy
That explains why he has 2 girls around him and one on his lap. You follow Jackson to the back of the class room where his friends are.
J: guys this is the new girl y/n
Y/n: Hi

They all introduce themselves. The only spare seat is next to Payton so you sit down. Everyone goes to their seat when the teacher comes in. When the teacher was talking you felt payton looking at you.
J: what lesson you got first
Y/n: maths you
J: english
P: i got maths I will take you
Y/n: ok, what you got before lunch
J: science
Ev: same

The bell goes and you and Payton walk to class together.
P: so shortie where you from
**why is he acting like he doesn't know me**
Y/n: Georgia and don't call me that
P: fine I won't cutie
Y/n: 🙄

He tells you to sit next to him. You two sit at the back. You feel him looking at you all lesson. The bell goes and you go to the rest of you lessons.

-time skip to lunch-
You all go to the cafeteria and get lunch then sit on a bench.You guys sit and talk.
Jo: I'm thinking party this weekend
P: my mums out of town so we could have it at my place on Saturday
Ev: I'm down
J: same here, y/n?
Y/n: I don't know
Jo: c'mon it will be a great way for you to meet new ppl
J: it will be loads of fun
Y/n: fine I'll go

The bell goes, you all go to class. At the end of the day you all meet up outside school. You exchange numbers with everyone. They add you to the group chat. When you get home you get a text. (Payton is in bold)
Long time no see y/n
So you do remember me
Ofc I do cutie you were my best friend What are you doing right now
Nothing why
Meet me at the park by chick fill a

You walk to the park. You see payton is already there. He sitting on the swing you go sit next to him.
P: hey cutie
Y/n: stop calling me that
P: why ur cute
Y/n: i don't like it
P: ok shortie
Y/n: 🙄
P: ok I'll stop, so why did you move here
Y/n: my parents divorced
P: really I'm sorry to hear that
Y/n: it's all good

You stay and talk to him for a few hours the go home.

*Paytons pov*
I'm the school fuckboy and I would rather that then get my heart broken again. When I saw y/n something changed I didn't want to act different around l everyone so I acted like I didn't know her.
I had to see her again so I asked her to the park. We had a good time it was like being a kids again. I felt bad for her when she said her parent weren't together.
When I got home I couldn't stop thinking about her until I looked at my phone and saw loads of miss calls from Avani.
P: what do you want
A: to talk to you bby where were you
P: with y/n and stop calling that we haven't been together for 2 yrs
A: then why do you fuck me on the daily
P: coz like I said it's meaning less sex I don't like you never have never will get over it
A: your lying yk you are bby, why was you with y/n
P: coz I was
A: i don't like you and her together don't hang out with her
P: you can't tell me what to do

I hang up and ignore her for the rest of the night.
*End of pov*

You get home and ready for bed. Your about to go to bed when you get a text. You check your phone
Goodnight shortie x
Goodnight Payton
Thank you for reading❤️. Comment if this was too long coz I feel like it was rlly long. Most of the parts will be around 1000 words long. Also tell me if you want another part.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now