Part 19

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Today you have your first test. You get up and dressed. Payton picks you up at 10am and you get to school. Do do some revision before you get taken to a class room where it's only you and an examiner. Today is english. The first half if questions on a text that you studied in class. The second half you have to write a short story.

AaIt feels like you were only in there for 30 mins but it was actually 2 hours. Your times up so you leave and call Payton to come pick you up. He takes you home.
Ru: how was it
Y: it was good, what did you do while I was gone 
Ru: I hung out with Jackson
Y: ooooo how was it
Ru: your acting like we went on a date. Anyway we went to Starbucks then played video games and I'm going to be with him and the Benoit while you do the rest of your tests
Y: ok sounds like a plan

You chill until you need to leave to go to they gym. Ruby comes with you and you meet Payton there. His mum has a class today so your working with him.
P: I brought Jackson along to keep Ruby company
Ru: where is he
P: in the offices you can hangout in there until we're done
Ru: ok

You tell payton what your working on and he helps you. You do that until it's time for your break. You and Payton go into the offices to see Jackson and Ruby.
J: un we were thinking of going chick fil a can we meet you there once your done
Y: sure
P: I'll call you when we're on our way
J: ok
Ru: buy guys

Ruby gives you a hug before she leaves. You go back to working on your skills for the last hour. Joanne comes and helps right at the end. When the lessons over you guys go to chick fil a and get some food. Jackson and Ruby are in the park so you go there once you have your food.

(Time skip to Friday - I will forever be lazy lol)
Payton's just picked you up from school and your on your way to Jadens. Everyone is in his room playing video games.
P: where do you want to eat before our movie night tonight
Ru: movie night?
J: they have one every Friday
Y: everyone should come to movie night. I have a mini projector in my basement and we could watch Disney+ on there
N: sounds like a plan
J: isn't it like a couples thing so imma pass
Y: why you have Ruby. You say looking at her and she blushes
P: c'mon guys it will be fun
J&Ru: fine

You text your mum telling her what's happening. Everyone is sleeping at yours tonight. You guys decide to go in and out l then target and get snacks. When you get to yours you all get into comfy clothes. Then go to the basement. Tg- the girls Tb-the boys
J: what are we watching
Tb: NO
N: why not
Jo: because it's terrible
Y: one no it's not two it's my house we're watching moana

You watch moana and sing along to every song. After you watch some more Disney then some marvel movies. When it's late you and Payton go to your room, Jackson and Ruby in the spare room and the others in the basement. You and Payton's at talking and you end up talking about the future.
Y: I already have my wedding planned out
P: ofc you do, let me guess you know how many kids you want and what genders
Y: yep 2-4 genders don't rlly matter but it would be perfect if two girls two boys
P: I want one kid, a little bit
Y: ofc you do, but that would be so cute
P: I know he'd be my little man, if you could go anywhere where would it be
Y: definitely borra borra, you?
P: Iceland it seems cool there
Your talking for hours before you fall asleep in each others arms.

You guys wake up the next morning and go to the basement. Jaden, Mads, Nessa and Josh are all awake.
P: where are Jackson and Ruby
Jo: probably still asleep
M: lets go wake them

You go up stairs and to the guest room. You see Jackson and Ruby cuddled up in bed. She has her head on his ches and his arm is around her.
M: they are so cute she whispers
Y: I'm going to wake her up go downstairs

You quietly move across the room and lightly shake her she wakes up and follows you downstairs into the kitchen where everyone is.
Y: I don't like Jackson you mock
Ru: I don't...ok maybe I do
Jo: I'm just saying if I want anything to happen make the first move he won't
Ru: actually he did
Y: what
Ru: yeah he kissed me yesterday
M: so whats going on between you two
Ru: idk. I don't really know him but I want to get to know him
J: get to know me then

He says as he walks in and hugs her from behind and she blushes. Everyone 'awww' at them. You guys make breakfast and hangout for the rest of the day.
This one is a little bit shorter that the others. I just saw I have 1k reads. Thank you so much, I still don't understand why people are reading this but thank you🥺❤️

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