Part 37

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You wake up the next morning completely fine. You go downstairs and join Joanne in the living room.
Y: where's faith
J: she had to go work, how you feeling this morning
Y: for the first time in a week, completely fine
J: that's good, do you want to come to the gym later
Y: sure

Payton eventually comes down and you go upstairs and get ready for the day. You come down and Payton is making breakfast. He makes scrabble eggs and toast. He hands you a plate and sits down next to you. You start to eat but rush to the bathroom a throw up.
Y: seriously I thought I was going to be ok today
P: do you want some water
Y: yes please

He gets you a glass of water and you go sit back down. You manage to eat the rest of your breakfast. Payton goes upstairs and you chill in the living room. He comes downstairs and you watch tv together.
Y: what you doing today
P: going to Jackson's what you doing
Y: going to your mums gym
P: ok I'll drop you off when I leave if you want
Y: sure

You watch tv until Payton needs to leave. He drops you home so you can drop your stuff from last night off and drive yourself to the gym.
J: hi, a class is about to come in. You can help if you want
Y: I barely know how to do stuff myself
J: oh that's fine it's going to be really easy stuff
Y: oh ok then

You help her move some equipment from another class and bring out the soft play equipment. Not long after the class starts.
Y: why did I t you say it was a toddler play group
J: i didn't want you to leave because it was little kids
Y: I would t have left, i like kids
J: good she says looking at your stomach and you both laugh. You stay at the gym before going home.

You tidy your room and do other stuff around the house. You go to your room and FaceTime Payton.
P: hey you ok
Y: I'm good, are you home yet
P: nope still at Jackson's
J: hey he says coming into frame
Y: ok, I was wondering if you wanna stay over tonight
P: yeah sure
Y: ok I'll see you later

An hour later you hear the door open, you go downstairs expecting it to be Payton but it's Ethan. You go back to your room, you decide to tell him now. You go stand in his door frame and wait for him to notice you.
E: what do you want
Y: I need to tell you something you say walking in
E: what is it
Y: I know how protective you are so don't freak out but...I'm pregnant
E: your what, this was Payton's wasn't it. I'm going to kill him
Y: don't do that, don't be mad I mean it's not one persons fault. I thought you liked him coz he made me happy
E: I did until he got you pregnant
Y: please don't do anything or say anything to him
E: fine but one slip up during this and he's gone

You roll your eyes and walk out. You go back to your room and wait for Payton. He eventually gets to your house.
Y: guess what tonight it
P: what
Y: movie night
P: wanna go target and get snacks
Y: no I've got snacks

You go downstairs and get snacks and drinks. When you get back you change into something comfy, get in bed and cuddle with Payton. You guys watch movies all night.

(Time skip)
It's been a while and your now 16 weeks pregnant (about 3 months) you've just started to show. It's barely noticeable, but your wearing oversized clothes so no one sees. A lot of you fans are commenting on this when you post, and all family and friend know.

Your hanging out at Payton's like always when you get bored. You go back to your house and change. You take your mirror outside and take some pictures. You go back to Payton's.
P: where did you go
Y: to take pictures on Instagram
P: oh ok

 P: where did you go Y: to take pictures on Instagram P: oh ok

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Liked. by, Paytonmoormeier, madslewis, Ruby_x and 983,775 others

Y/n_x - is this a trend now

Paytonmoormeier - perfection🥰
   Y/n_x - awww ily🥺

Nessabarrett - you always look so good
    Y/n_x - no you bby

Fan -something seems different

Hater - she's gotten fatter

Fan - I think she's put weight on still love you though
*comments disabled*

You go downstairs to where Payton's is. You sit next to him in the living room.
Y: I think it's time for me to take a break from social media
P: why
Y: people are noticing the baby clothes and that I've put weight on
P: ok if that's what you want

You go back upstairs and post this on Snapchat and teatok reposted it. (Pretend it you and payton).

TeaTok - looks like y/n is taking a break

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TeaTok - looks like y/n is taking a break

Paytonmoormeier - it's whats best for her at the moment and I'll be taking a break with her to focus on my music

Y/n_x - I'll be back soon
HI BITCHES. Sorry that was aggressive, ly💖 also these are kinda fillers coz idk what to write sorry

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now