Part 31

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You have lunch then finish packing. You're all packed and ready to go to LA. Your waiting for Joanne to come pick you up. When she arrives you say goodbye to your mum. She drives you to the airport and you say goodbye. You go through security and wait for your plane.
'flight 747 ready to board'
P: that's us let's go
Y: i can't wait
P: is this your first time to LA
Y: yeah
P: your going to love it

You get in the plane and you have the row to yourself. You watch movies and rest your head on Payton's shoulder the entire flight. You land and go through security and baggage claim. You get an uber that takes you to an air bnb. You go in and get settled.
Y: so what you doing today
P: nothing but i have to be in the studio by 10am tomorrow
Y: ok
P: you can come if you want
Y: are you sure i don't want to get in the way
P: i'm sure, but if your asleep i'm not waking you up. Your too peaceful when you sleep.
Y: ok

You chill and watch tv while Payton makes some tik toks in the kitchen. He joins you on the sofa and you decide to binge watch vampire diaries.
Y: I'm hungry, what should I postmates
P: pizza
Y: pepperoni
P: obviously he says in a duh tone

You order the pizza and continue to watch tv while you wait. The pizza arrives, you pay and set it on the table. You eat and watch tv, it getting late and Payton goes to bed. After a bit you join him. You snuggle up to him in bed.

The next morning you wake up to the sound of rustling. You look over and Payton is shirtless going through his suitcase.
Y: what are you looking for
P: my Nickelodeon shirt
Y: oh I have it it's in my suitcase
P: ok thank you

You get out of bed and quickly get ready. You stop at Starbucks for breakfast. You walk into the building and Payton holds your hand. He takes you to a room, it has a mic set up and everything else.
P: Hiser (I think that's his name) great to see you
H: you too
P: this is y/n my girlfriend
H: ok is she going to be working on something to day
Y: oh no I don't sing

They talk for a while and start making beats and other stuff. Payton starts singing and you can't help but smile. After a while you feel a little unwell so you decide to get a drink.
Y: I'm going to get a drink I'll be back in a bit
P: wait would you get lunch while your out
Y: sure what do you guys want

They tell you want they want and you go to Jack in the box. You only get some fries and a bottle of water. You go back and give everyone their food.
P: thank you your amazing
Y: yeah I know you say with a smile
P: wow feeling the love he laughs
Y: eh your alright I guess you laugh

They continue to do their thing while you go in your phone. You film and post some tik toks and do other social media stuff when Payton call you over.
Y: yes what do you need
P: listen to this how does it sound *he plays it*
Y: it's sounds great
P: I feel like it's missing something like on the keyboard
Y: here try this

You go over to the keyboard and start playing a tune. Payton looks at you in amazement.
P: That was amazing, I didn't know you play
Y: I used to do lessons but didn't like it so I'm mainly self taught
P: and you didn't tell me because
Y: you never asked
H: well I think that was amazing, we should add it
P: definitely

You play again and they record it. They add it to the song and it sounds really good. You go sit in the sofa, they work on a few songs. You eventually fall asleep. You get woken up by Payton lightly shaking you.
P: were leaving now angel
Y: ok

You leave and get an uber back to the air bnb. You get in and postmates Chinese food. You watch tv in the living room. You get tired pretty early.
Y: I'm going to bed
P: ok, goodnight love you
Y: goodnight love you too you say kissing him on the cheek.

You have a shower and get your pajamas on. You get in bed falling asleep watching tv. Payton joins you not long after and cuddles you.

You wake up the next morning and rush to the bathroom and throw up. Payton comes in not long after.
P: y/n are you ok
Y: yeah I'm fine, must have been some dodgy food
P: I'll call Hiser tell him I can't make it today
Y: no go I'll be fine I promise
P: are you sure
Y: yes

Payton gets ready and leaves. You go lay back in bed and watch tv. That gets boring so you FaceTime Ruby.
Ru: hey how have you been
Y: alright how are you
Ru: amazing, where are you
Y: LA with Payton
Ru: where is he
Y: in the studio
Ru: how comes you didn't go with him
Y: i was sick this morning so he went without me
Ru: you haven't been the same since we got back from holiday what happened
Y: I don't know, I'll get over it

You talk some more before carrying on watching tv. Payton calls you at lunch to see how you are. He comes back early to make sure your ok.
P: how have you been
Y: fine all day just sick this morning
P: that good I guess
Y: like I said dodgy food
P: probably
Dodgy food is not the move. Thank you sm for 11k

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