Part 4

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You look at the time and realise Payton is going to be here soon.You the get dressed and wear⬇️.

You wait a few minutes before he arrives

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You wait a few minutes before he arrives. You go downstairs and say goodbye.
Y/m: text me if your going to be home really late and have fun
E: not too much fun I don't wanna be an uncle anytime soon
Y/n: shut up, see you guys later

You go get in his car then takes you to his house. It's just down the road. He gives you a house tour. It's bigger than yours. There is a swimming pool, a hot tub and a big trampoline in the garden.
P: last but not least this is the kitchen
Y/n: your house is so big compared to mine
P: I guess so. I need to set stuff up now
Y/n: is there anything I can do to help
P: can you put the drinks and plastic cups on the island and put crisps in plastic bowls. I'm going to go get changed
Y/n: ok

You do what he asked. Your putting the lasts of the crisps in a bowl when you feel someone's hands on your hips. You turn to see payton.
P: do you need any help
Y/n: no I'm good

You go to move away but he pulls you in closer and wraps his arms around your hips.
P: thank you for the help
Y/n: np
You remove his arms and put all the crisp packets in the bin.
P: you look good tonight shortie
Y/n: so do you payt
P: payt, new nickname
Y/n: maybe but your still stoopid

Once you guys are done your chilling in his room. His phone is in his bed and he gets a message and he asks you to check it.
Y/n: whats your pass word
P: mums birthday
Y/n: why
P: my birthday is to obvious

You unlock his phone and see his wallpaper is the first pick you two took in the gym. You smile.
P: what you smiling at
Y/n: just the wallpaper
P: what it's a good photo
Y/n: yeah ik
You read him the message josh sent him and respond.

People start coming around 6pm. Before you know it the house is full of people you don't know. An hour later your getting a drink and you feel someone's hand on your lower back. You recognise him but know his name.
??: what you drinking cutie
Y/n: none of your business, who are you
??: I'm Jake, hbu cutie
Y/n: I'm y/n *Payton comes over*
P: you coming to play truth or dare
Y/n: yeah in a min

You get a drink then go to the toilet. You go to the living room. There was Payton, Avani, Jackson, Jaden, Mads, Josh, Nessa and Jake and another girl you didn't know. You sit next to Payton and the other girl.
Ja: Avani truth or dare
A: dare
Ja: take a body shot off someone
A: done, y/n truth or dare
Y/n: truth
A: are your a virgin
Y/n: I'll do dare
A: ok play 7 minutes in heaven with Jake
Y/n: ok

You go into a closet. It's dark until you find the light switch. When you turn it on your faces are inches apart. He goes to kiss you but you move away.
Jake: whats that for cutie
Y/n: don't call me that, I don't want to do anything
Jake: but you have to it's the rules of the game
Y/n: i don't have to do shit if I don't want to

You move away and don't talk to him the entire time. You hear Jaden knock on the door and say times up. You get out of there and see Paytons not there anymore. You go into the kitchen and see he has his tongue down some girls throat. You just ignore it even tho you feel a little jealous.
**why am I jealous. I don't like him we're just friends that's it.**

*Paytons pov*
I leave when they go in the closet, I don't even wanna know what there doing in there. I feel jealous for no reason it's not like I like her. All I want is get with any girl. I see a hot brunette in my kitchen and start talking to her and soon enough we're making out.

I take her to my bedroom and push her on the bed. I kiss her neck and get to her sweet spot and she lets out a small moan. She gets on top and carry's on making out with me. She takes her dress off and my top off, I leave a trail of kisses from her neck to the waistband of her underwear. I look up at her and grab a condom from my night stand. (You know what happens next).

She gets dressed and leaves when we're done. I stay in my room for a bit. Usually it feels good to hook up with a random girl, but not this time. It's not like it was bad it's self but it just didn't feel right. I just sit here thinking and I start wondering what y/n is doing. I get dressed and go downstairs to go find her.
*end of pov*

You can't find Payton anywhere. You go in the living room, Avani sees you and rolls her eyes. You've had enough of this, you walk up to her.
Y/n: i don't know what I have done to you but you act like you hate me sometimes
A: your so close to Payton even tho I told you to stay away and I don't like that.
Y/n: ik he's an fboy, but nothing will happen. I won't let it he will only ever be my friend and he knows that
A: he doesn't have girls that are just friends and i don't like how close you guys are
Y/n: well we have known each other for ages so your going to have to deal with it. I don't want us to hate each
A: i can look past it. I don't hate you btw i you seem really nice
Y/n: ok so friends
A: yeah

You go party with Avani, you dance and play more game. You have a lot of fun. You find Payton and dance with him for a bit. After that you don't see him much.
There's more but it was already long so there's going to be a part 2. Also I wrote most of this at 2am so sorry if it's bad. Ik there's not much but lmk if you want more smut coz idk
Word count: 1126

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now