Part 39

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(Time skip 4 months - 9 months prego)
Your baby is due in a 4 days and your getting really nervous. You moved out two moths ago and you and Payton have your own apartment. It's just down the road from your parents houses.

Your at your mums house chilling and Payton is in the studio. Your in the kitchen getting a snack when the door opens and your mum comes home from work.
Y/m: how are you feeling
Y: I don't know mainly fat. I have a back ach and my stomach feels tense
Y/m: your body's just preparing
Y: this early
Y/m: yeah it is only a few days away

You go into the living room and watch tv with your mum for a while. Payton calls you.
P: hey I should be home in an hour or so
Y: ok well I'm at my mums come over here
P: ok text me if you change your mind
Y: ok I will

Payton comes to the house and you go to your old room and chill in there.
Y: I'm so nervous, there's so much that could go wrong. What if I'm not good enough
P: calm down everything will be fine. I'm worried too but I know for a fact you are going to be the best parent this baby has ever seen. We will do an amazing job of raising this baby together
Y: I know but there's always the what if's
P: well you need get rid of them. Flush them down the toilet
Y: speaking of i need to pee for the hundredth time today

You go into the bathroom and as you sit dow you feel a gush of water. You think nothing of it because you really needed to pee. You go back to your bedroom and watch tv with Payton. You guys eventually go home. You do some cleaning before going and laying in bed. Payton joins you and you watch tv.
You end up falling asleep but get woken up at 5am by a pain in your stomach. You don't think anything of it because it's happened when the baby was moving before. You try to go back to sleep. Half an hour later it happens agin, you go get a glass of water and go back to bed. It happens agin half an hour later. This time you wake Payton up.
Y: Payton wake up you say shaking him wake up dumbass
P: what he groans
Y: I keep on getting these pains and their not going away and I think when I was at my mums my water broke and now I'm panicking
P: ok ok calm down I'll pack a bag you call the hospital and I'll call your mum on the way to the hospital
Y: ok you say getting out of bed

You grab a few things you might need and give them to Payton while your on the phone to the hospital. Payton drives you their and you go the receptionist.
Y: hi I'm y/n y/l/n I called earlier
R: ahh yes, contractions is it
Y: yeah
R: go take a seat a nurse will be right with you

You take a seat and a few minutes later an nurse comes over and she takes you to a room.
N: ok I'm going to check to see how dilated you are
Y: ok
N: you are 3cm dilated when you are 10cm your ready to give birth and I will take you to the birthing room, until then you can wait here
Y: ok thank you

You and Payton wait and while your waiting you mum rushes in with your brother.
Y/m: i came as quick as I can tell me everything
You tell her everything
Y/m: I called your dad he's flying out later
E: I swear to god if this baby isn't cute I'm gonna go crazy I woke up at 6am for this
Y: thanks for the support bro

While your all talking you have another contraction. This ones a lot more painful than the last. You take Payton's hand and squeeze it.
P: just breathe everything will be ok
Y: it hurts so bad you say as the nurse walks in
N: time to check you dilation
Y: mum Ethan look away please
N: you are 5cm dilated I'll be back in an hour

She comes back every hour to check. The more dilated you get the more painful the contractions are. Your eventually are 10cm and you say goodbye to your mum and Ethan as the nurse takes you to the birthing room. The doctor comes in and the get you ready.
D: ok on the could of three push 1...2...3...push
You do as she says and do that for a bit. It's excruciatingly pain full.
D: on three 1...2...3...push she says as you push
Y: I can't do it i really can't do it
P: yes you can you've got this, I know you can do it
Y: no I can't
P: look just a few more seconds of pain for a life time of happiness
D: ok last one ready 1...2...3...push

You do it one last time before you hear screaming and crying.
P: you did it he says giving you a hug
The nurse comes over and hands you your baby.
Y: welcome to the world Jordan
P: my little boy

The nurses take you to a recovery room. Payton's holding Jordan. Your mum and Ethan come in from the waiting room.
Y/m: omg he's so small
E: ok he's definitely worth waking up at 6am for
Y: he's worth everything
Y/m: can i hold him
P: of course

While you mum and Ethan are holding him you decide to post on Instagram.

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Liked by Paytonmoormeier, nessabarrett, Jadenhossler and 1,267,395 others

Y/n_x - On 19th November at 10:56am Jordan Moormeier was born. He is the real reason I haven't been on social media for the last 6 months but he is worth it. He is perfect.

Madslewis - proud of you ❤️

Joshrichards - I cant wait to see him tomorrow

Fan - your going to be the best parents ever

Hater - ok I can't lie that baby is cute

Payton posts something similar on his account. You spend the rest of the day with you family in the hospital. Your dad gets there late at night and he's coming to see you tomorrow.
Ok seriously I want a baby. Look how cuteeeee it is. But I can't have one and it's unfair

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now