Part 16

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You wake up early have a shower and get dressed into this.

You leave and go to Starbucks, you get some breakfast and coffee for the boys

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You leave and go to Starbucks, you get some breakfast and coffee for the boys. As your about to leave you hear a familiar voice.
R: y/n
Y: oh hi Riley, how are you
R: I'm good, I was wondering if maybe you and everybody would want to hang out later
Y: I don't know if I can but the others maybe
R: ok I'll ask Payton
Y: oh I think he's busy
R: oh ok

You go back to your hotel room. You wake up Jackson and Payton and give them their food and drinks. Once their ready you go and meet fans. Your talking to a fan when Payton comes up behind you and hugs you. You smile and the fan says.
F: you two are so cute together
P: oh we're not together
F: you should be
Y: a lot of people say that
P: then is must be true he says with a small smile.

(Time skip coz I'm lazy lol)

Jackson is staying in their friends Sams room tonight. You and Payton get chick fil a for dinner then go target and get snacks. You get back to your hotel room and put Netflix on. You cuddle in bed, during the movies you keep in looking at Payton.
P: why do you keep in looking at me like that
You move so your on top of him and he sits up so he's looking at you. (Like this)

P: so why were you looking at me all through the movie Y: because I can P: that's it Y: no

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P: so why were you looking at me all through the movie
Y: because I can
P: that's it
Y: no...I um I need to tell you something
P: what is it
Y: so basically I've been thinking about everything
P: like what
Y: us and...
P: and what

You know what you want to tell him but you don't know how. You just look at him. You grab his face and kiss him.
P: y/n is this your way of telling me you finally want to be with me
Y: I guess yeah
P: well I would love to be with you too
Y: does this mean—

Payton's phone started ringing. He picked it up, you didn't see who it was but as soon as Payton heard who it was he lightly pushed you off and got out of bed.
P: calm down what happened...ok where are you...ok I'll be there soon just calm down...ok
Y: Payton whats going on
P: Riley is stuck in the elevator
Y: I'll go and get someone from the front desk to help
P: ok she's stuck on the 3rd floor, we will talk about to his later

Payton leaves and you go did what you said they would. They said someone will be up to help.

*Payton's pov*
I get a call from Riley she said she was stuck in the elevator. She sounded panicked and worried. I rushed to the 3rd floor and I could hear crying from the inside.
P: Riley it's Payton
R: Payton help me
P: help is on the way just calm down
R: I don't like it in here
P: listen to me, everything will be ok I'm here for when you get out
*end of pov*

*Rileys pov*
I found out about Payton and Y/n's movie night so why not interfere. My plan was to get stuck in the elevator so Payton would have to "rescue" me. I had Nadya tweak the wires or something in the elevator so it would stop. I called payton sounding panicked. A few moments later I hear him and start "crying".
P: someone is here to help you'll be out soon
R: ok

Someone manages to get me out and I rush into Payton's arms and sob. He just holds me. I look at him and say.
R: thank you
P: ofc anything for a friend
R: what would i do without you

I look up at him and he smiles at me. I lean in to kiss him our lips brush against each other as he leans away.
P: what are you doing
R: c'mon we both want this
P: no you do. I like someone else
R: who y/n, that slut why
P: SHE IS NOT A SLUT. Don't speak about her like that
R: why not it's the truth
P: it's not. If you don't like her then I don't think we can be friends if your going to say stuff like that
*end of pov*

*Paytons pov*
I walk away before she can say anything else. I should have known. She had a crush on me before she moved, I never thought anymore of it. I go back to my room and y/n is sitting on the bed.
P: I'm sorry about that
Y: it's fine, is she ok
P: yeah
I sit next to her on the bed.
*end of pov*

Y: about earlier
P: I'm sorry we got interrupted but if I remember in a way you said you want to be with me
Y: Payton i don't know
P: what why
Y: because I went to see how Riley is and all I see is you kiss.
P: we didn't kiss. I leant away but she pulled me closer. I said I didn't want to kisser because I liked someone. She guessed you and she started saying your a slut so I said we can't be friends
Y: I know you wouldn't kiss her but it's still what I almost saw
P: y/n I love you and I only want you
Y: I want you too

You look at him and you kiss for a bit. He breaks the kiss and looks at you.
P: so y/n will you be my girlfriend
Y: of course
You guys get in bed and finish your movie night. You fall asleep cuddling. 
They are finally together. What should happened while they are together. Thank you for 800 reads🥺💕

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