Part 12

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*Paytons pov*
I didn't mean to hurt her at the gym, I didn't know how angry I was. I go home and I'm home alone. I'm so angry at my self for what happened, I go into the kitchen and smash the first thing I see. I clean it up after.

I go to my room. I hate what I've done to her and our relationship, Ik it's my fault. All I can do is cry, I just sit there and cry for a while until the doorbell rings. I go down and open the door to see y/n standing there. It's raining and her clothes are soaked.
P: y/n? What are you doing here
Y: I....ummm...I-I
P: are you ok
Y: yeah it just...umm...I wanted to say sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you and started shouting at you earlier. It's just at the weekend I kept on remembering it was fake and it hurt and I couldn't do it anymore, then I saw you kiss that girl and it broke my heart
P: wait what are you saying
Y: Payton I-I....I think I'm falling for you
She says lowering her head a little. I can't believe this...she feels the same way. I don't know what to say. I can only think of one thing to do. I move closer to her and I lift her chin slightly so she looking at me. I lean in and kisses her.
*end of pov*

You didn't expect him to do that but you kissed him back. You break the kiss and he rests his forehead on yours, his hands cup you cheeks.
P: I like you too
Y/n: can we go inside now it's cold and I'm wet
P: yeah
You both let out a little laugh as you walk in. He gets you a change of clothes and you get changed.

You walk into his room once your done. You guys watch tv and hang out. When his mum comes home she cooks dinner. You guys sit at the table and eat.
J: I'm happy to see you two are ok again
Y: so am I
Payton looks at you and places his hand on your thigh and gives you a smile. Once your done you help Joanne with the dishes.

You go to Paytons room. Even though you and him were friends and back to normal you felt like something what off.
Y: payton
P: yeah
Y: why did you kiss that girl
P: idk, after you left in Sunday I was hurt and I did what I was used to when I was hurt I guess
Y: so you don't like her
P: what ofc I don't like her
You guys kind of just sit there in silence. It's not awkward, he takes you home a little later.

-time skip-
It's Friday, you and Payton are back to normal now and everything is ok again. Like always you two go to the gym.

*paytons pov*
After what y/n told me Wednesday day I was so happy she felt the same, then she asked if I liked the girl I kissed. I realised that I need to tell her exactly how I feel. After we work out I ask her if she wanted to go to the park, we went to the park and sat on the swing. We were talking and I decided to tell her.
P: can I tell you something
Y: sure
P: i like you, a lot, I know I'm a fboy but for the past few months I haven't wanted to hook up with girls, I would put it off. Anytime I would kiss a girl I would want it to be you
Y: i like you to but I don't want to be another you just want to get with the leave
P: you won't be, there's something about you that makes me want to trust again. I get it if you don't wan to be with me right now
Y: i like you too payton but maybe we should wait we have only just sorted things out
P: yeah i know I just need to tell you
Y: well i like you a lot too
*end of pov*

-time skip-
You and Payton are going to the mall today. You get dressed and comes and pics you up. You get there and have some lunch, then go shopping.
While your walking around your hands brush against each other, before you leave Payton holds your hand. Once you leave he takes you home. Your on Instagram and you see a tiktok tea page with a pic of you and Payton.

Liked by y/n_x, paytonmoormeier, fan_183 and 165,497 others Tagged: paytonmoormeier y/n_xTeaTok sent in, are y/n and Payton a thing

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Liked by y/n_x, paytonmoormeier, fan_183 and 165,497 others
Tagged: paytonmoormeier y/n_x
TeaTok sent in, are y/n and Payton a thing


Fan-has anyone seen y/n comment

Fan- people can be just friends
↪️ fan- does that look like just friends to you

You get tagged in a lot of reposts and ignore it. You ft Payton that night then text him. (Paytons in bold)
Want to stay at mine tomorrow
Sure pick me up at 10am
Ok cutie
Ok goodnight payton
Goodnight shortie x
This one is a bit shorter than usual but I ran out of ideas. Comment what should happen next.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now