Part 8

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You wake up at 8:30am and go downstairs to have breakfast. After you got dressed at 9:30. You wore this bikini with a crop top and shorts because it was pretty hot out.

Payton picked you up at 10

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Payton picked you up at 10.
P: morning and happy birthday
Y/n: thank you

You went straight to target and got snacks and some drinks. After you went to his house. You walked into his living room and saw his mum Joanne and his sister faith.
J: y/n how have you been I haven't seen you in years
Y/n: I've been good
F/ how comes you're here
Y/n: I moved here a few months ago
F: its great to see you again

Payton was in the kitchen putting stuff away so you went and helped him. You guys went to his room once you were done.

Joanne and faith left a few hour later and everyone else arrived. You were just hanging out in the living room and you start to feel insecure so you hide your stomach with your hands. Payton noticed.
P: whats wrong
Y/n: nothing
P: I can tell when you lie
Y/n: just a little insecure but I'm fine
P: you have no reason to be insecure you look fine. I'll be back in a sec

Payton goes upstairs. The others are outside so you go join them. You come in to get a drink and Payton hands you a t-shirt. You guys take Instagram photos (posted in the next part).
P: now you won't have to feel insecure and will be covered up
Y/n: thank you

The boys are in the pool and the girls are tanning by the pool when Josh comes up to the edge and splash's you guys.
N: what was that for
Jo: guys get in the pool
M: later
Ja: no now or we will splash you again
M&N: fine

They get up and get in the pool. You don't want to get in but also don't want to get splashed so you go sit at the edge and put your feet in. Payton swims up to you.
P: get in the pool already
Y/n: i don't wan to get my hair wet
P: c'mon this whole thing is for you
Y/n: fine just give me one sec
P: nope

You grabs you by the waist and lifts you into the pool. He holds your waist until you're stable then he lets go.
Y/n: I wanted to tie my hair up so it didn't get wet and I'm still wearing your shirt
P: oh well to late now
He says with a smirk before swimming off.

You guys are in the pool for a few hours before you guys get out and order pizza for dinner. After dinner everyone gives you presents.
Y/n: thank you guys so much
J: it was no problem

Your in the living room watching movies. Everyone is staying at Paytons tonight. Everyone's asleep, you wake up and look at the time. It's 12pm. You notice payton isn't there. You go to get a drink and see him sitting by the pool. You go join him.

*Payton's pov*
I'm out by the pool and I here someone walk up behind me. It's y/n, she sits next to me. I look at her and wait for her to say something but she doesn't. We just sit in silence for a bit.
P: why are you up
Y/n: woke up couldn't sleep, you?
P: couldn't sleep

We sit and talk fo a it but eventually stop. I look at her again and notice how her hair falls perfectly, she has freckles around her nose and her eyes were the prettiest shade of green. I find my self smiling without realising. 
**wait do I like her? Ofc I don't I'm payton I don't like anyone. Ok Payton stop last time you thought like this you got your heart broken.**
*end of pov*

You can feel him looking at you so you look back at him. You notice how his chocolate brown eyes sparkle in the moonlight, how soft his hair looks and his perfect dimples when he smiles.
**omg this can't happen. I don't like him, ok maybe I do a little but I shouldn't. He wouldn't like me back and he's jus a fuckboy.**
My thoughts are interrupted by payton saying.
P: we should go in it's nearly 2am
Y/n: ok
P: wait one sec I have something else for you

He goes in inside and you follow him. He opens a draw in the kitchen.
P: close your eyes
You do as he says. You can feel him behind you. He moves your hair on to one shoulder and you can feel something being place around your neck
P: open
You see a gold butterfly necklace around your neck.
P: I saw you looking at it when we went to the mall and I could tell you liked it so I went back and got it for you
Y/n: thank you Payton it's beautiful

You go in the living room and see there is no space for you anywhere. You go up stairs and knock on Payton's door, he says come in so you do.
P: are you ok
Y/n: yeah there's no space for me downstairs can I stay in the spare room
P: I'll sleep in there you can stay in here. The spare rooms kinda uncomfortable
Y/n: no I'm fine in the spare room
P: I'm not taking no as an answer

You roll your eyes at him as he walks out the room. You go get in his bed and fall asleep quickly.

You wake up to someone shaking you lightly. You roll over to ignore them.
P: y/n wake up we're leaving to go to breakfast soon
Y/n: fine

You get up, get dressed and go downstairs. You guys go in two cars because there too many of you. You go in Payton's car, when you get there you sit next to him and you can feel him looking at you. Once you've eaten everyone goes home. You go back to Payton's to get your stuff then he takes you home.
Y/n: thank you for the party and the necklace it was amazing
P: glad you had a good time
Y/n: bye payt
P: bye shortie
This is a long one. Kinda don't like this one again, I don't think I'll ever like something I write.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now