Part 34

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You start pacing around Jackson's room again. Jackson gets up and stops you.
J: look at me, it will be fine calm down
Y: calm down are you serious, how am I going to tell Payton and my family. What if my mum kicks me out. What am I going to do then
J: none of that is going to happen. You mum is the most understanding person I've met, it will be ok
Y: you don't know that
J: yes i do, try to calm down at least

You sit back down and eventually calm yourself down. You relax a little and try not to think about it.
Y: will you stay at mine tonight, if I'm alone I'll over think and your the only one who knows
J: of course, let me as my mum first

His mums said yes and he packed a bag and he drove to yours. You go McDonald's in the way home. You get in and go to the kitchen.
Y: MUM you shout
Y/m: yes sweetheart
Y: can Jackson stay tonight
Y/m: sure
Y: thanks

You take your food upstairs and eat. You watch tv and have fun. You get the air bed out and set it up for later. Your chilling when you get a face time from Payton.
P: hey how are you
Y: I'm good how are you
P: good I'm just doing some final things on the song
Y: I can't wait
J: who you talking to
Y: Payton
P: is that Jackson
Y: yeah he's staying over tonight
P: oh ok, I was gunna ask if you wanted to stay over
Y: oh sorry, I would ask but my mum said only one person can stay round
P: it's fine I'll see you tomorrow anyway
Y: yeah

You talk for a little while longer before he has to go. You continue to watch tv with Jackson until you both fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up and go to the bathroom, feel like your going to be sick but your not. Jackson comes in
J: you ok
Y: yep, didn't throw up so that's good
J: it's going to get worse
Y: thanks for reminding me you say sarcastically
J: what are friends for he laughs

You go lay back in bed and go on your phone. You get out of bed and you and Jackson go downstairs for breakfast. There's a bit in your counter saying your mums out so it's just you and Jackson.
J: so when you going to tell him
Y: I don't know
J: the sooner the better really
Y: yeah I know but I'm scared
J: it will be fine
Y: I'll do it tonight or tomorrow, I just need time to think
J: ok, I'll be here if you need me

You guys get ready for the day. You go in your closed and hime the test. Jackson goes home, you say bye and walk to Paytons. You go straight to his room and see he looks nervous.
Y: you ok
P: I'm so nervous for tonight, what if they don't like it
Y: wait it's coming out at tonight, I though it was tomorrow that's the 17th
P: well midnight tonight which is the 17th
Y: oh ok, well trust me everything will be fine. They will love it just as much as I do

You stay and chill at his. You two play video games and watch tv. You decide to go out for lunch. After your driving about and end up at target, you get a few things and your about to check out.
Y: pretzels
P: what
Y: I really want pretzels

You go get the pretzels and the checkout. You sit in the car in the car park for a bit.
Y: what do you want to do
P: lets go to my mums gym
Y: sure

You go to the gym and Joanne has a toddler tumbling class so you go off to the side. Payton does trick and you sit out because your pregnant and you probably shouldn't. The kids get a break and one comes up to Payton.
P: hey Ellie how are you
E: I'm good, who's this
P: my girlfriend y/n
E: your pretty, I like you
Y: thank you, your pretty too she gives you a hug before running off to the other kids and this melts your heart. You decide to go into the back and call Jackson.
J: that was cute
Y: it really was, think about it I'm going to have one kinda scary
P: have one what
Y: oh ummm...we might be getting a puppy
P: cool
You hang up the phone and go back to Payton's

(Time skip)
It's an hour before midnight and everyone is at Payton's. Your in the kitchen and Jackson comes up to you.
J: are you going to tell him
Y: I can't, not tonight
J: why not
Y: he's so happy about his song what if I ruin that
P: ruin what
Y: nothing
J: tell him he mouthes then leaves

You and Payton's stay in the kitchen. Your getting a drink when he asks.
P: is there something your not telling me
Y: no why
P: I asked your mum, your not getting a puppy. Why lie
Y: look Payton not tonight. There's nothing to worry about. Your song is coming out be happy ok. I love you
P: I love you too but I know there's something your not telling me what is it
Y: you'll find out, I'm just waiting for the right time make sense. Just know I love you
P: yeah I guess. I love you too

It gets to midnight and you pop party poppers and other stuff. Your about to go home and Payton sees.
P: where you going
Y: home
P: just stay the night
Y: haven't got anything to wear
P: hasn't stopped you before
Y: fine
You and Payton go cuddle in bed and fall asleep.
How should she tell Payton

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