Part 40

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You stayed in hospital overnight and Payton stayed with you. Everyone is coming to see you today. You wake up early and the nurse checks on you
N: how are you
Y: sore and tiered
N: yeah you might be for a few days
Y: I'm going to be tiered for the next few months
N: you will get used to the new sleep schedule

She checks to make sure everything is ok with Jordan. You lay back in bed and feed him. Payton wakes up when your putting him back in the hospital baby bed.
P: how are you, how did you sleep
Y: I'm alright and not very well
P: how comes
Y: don't know, I couldn't get comfortable how are you
P: amazing he says smiling at Jordan

He comes over and lays on the bed with you. There's a tv in the hospital room so you go through the channels until you find one that's alright. Your mum, dad and Ethan come visit at 10am.
Y/d: he's so precious
Y: where's Sarah
Y/n: she had to stay home with our new born
Y: oh yeah I kinda forgot about that sorry hope she's doing well
Y/d: she said the same to you

You sit and talk for an hour before your dad leaves. He said he will come back later. At lunch your friends come and visit you. The brought gifts and balloons.
Y/n: thank you guys for all the cloths and balloons. You really didn't have to
N: it was nothing
M: I'm so happy for you guys
Ja: you did a good job bro he says looking at Payton who is holding Jordan
Y: he did nothing, I had him inside me for 9 months and don't get me started about yesterday omg
Jo: I'm guessing it was painful
Y: worlds bigger understatement you all laugh
P: I would hate to go through that
Y: but it was definitely worth it you say smiling

You continue to talk and everyone gets to hold Jordan. They eventually leave and you face time Ruby.
Ru: wish I could be there with you
Y: so do i but your visiting soon anyway
Ru: yeah but that's to far away

The nurse comes in later to check on you and Jordan. Payton went home to get some stuff.
N: looks like everything's good I could see if we could get you discharged unless you want to stay.
Y: I think I'm ready to go home
N: ok I'll get the discharge papers

You call Payton and tell him your getting discharged. He comes back with the car seat and you put Jordan in it. Payton carry's him to the car and you take everything else. You drive home.
Y: welcome home Jordan
P: your going to love it

(Time skip - one month)
Your tidying up Jordana stuff while he's napping and Payton's following you.
P: we have to go out tonight it's out one year anniversary
Y: no im not leaving Jordan something might happen
P: he will be fine at your mums please. We only get one one year anniversary
Y: i dk y want to leave him
P: your going to have to at some point. You know you want to be taken on a date
Y: fine just shut up about it you say rolling your eyes
P: thank you you won't regret it he says smiling. He gives you a kiss on the forehead before he walks away.

You ask your mum to look after Jordan and start getting ready. You don't know where Payton's taking you. You drop Jordan off and you go to a fancy restaurant.
Y: this place is so nice
P: only the best for you
Y: you are the best
P: and your perfect

You order and have dinner then leave. You notice Payton isn't going in the direction of your mums house.
Y: where are we going
P: you'll see

He drives to chick fil a. You follow him to the park and sit on the swings. You sit and just talk under the stars.
P: remember this is where we first hung out when you moved here
Y: yeah, you were such a fuck boy
P: now look at me, the perfect boyfriend
Y: perfect is definitely the word
P: y/n I love you so much and you mean the world to me. The day I saw you after I moved I though I was dreaming. I could believe my kindergarten crush was back. I fell in love with you a little more everyday since then. We have been through so much together and we always manage to get through it. Your perfect, perfect for me. So y/n... he says moving so he's standing in front of you
Y: yes
P: y/n y/l/will you marry me he says getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring
Y: omg yes, yes I will you say. He puts the ring on your finger and hugs you.
Yes I know it's short. This is the last one and I'm sad🥺 Thank you for 15k

I'm joking it's not the last one but the next one is and I'm sad about that🥺

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now