Part 9

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It's a couple months later, you Payton are best friends and have become really close. You realised that you like him but he's still the fboy who hooks up with any girl so you never told him how you feel. He's different around you it's like he's softer and nicer and less of a fuck boy.

You're always together and always stay round each others houses all the time. You have gained some followers because of everyone else. You have 2.5mill on tiktok and 800k on Instagram. Yours and Payton's fans ship you two a lot.

It's a Saturday morning and you in your room when you get a text from Payton to meet you at the park. You drive there and he is with Josh, Jaden and Jackson.
Y/n: get in losers where we going
Jo: meeting the girls at the mall
Y/n: ok let's go

You guys go to the mall and are there most of the day. You go home with Payton and he stays at your house that night.

*time skip 2weeks*
Your at home cooking lunch when Payton walks into your kitchen. He helps you finish cooking then you guys eat.
P: my mums out for the weekend wanna come round
Y/n: sure
P: movie night tonight
Y/n: like always

You pack a bag and tell your mum your spending the weekend at Paytons. On the way over you stop at target and get snacks. You get back to his and chill. Later that night you get blankets and watch movies in the sofa. You pick the first few then Payton picks some.
P: let's watch IT
Y/n: you know I don't like that
P: ok let's watch orphan
Y/n: never heard of it so ok

It was a horror and you got scared so you jump into Payton's arms and he holds you. You guys fall asleep. You wake up and put your pyjamas on which is an oversized shirt and shorts.
P: is that my shirt
Y/n: just one of the many you left at my house
P: can I have some of them back
Y/n: no there mine forever now

Saturday you play video games most of the day. You guys cook dinner, you made homemade pizza. It was actually pretty good. After that you guys are watching tv when you get bored.
Y/n: I'm bored let's go in the hot tub
P: ok, meet you out there

You go get your bikini on and wait outside for Payton you turn the hot tub on while you wait. He comes out and you guys get in.
Y/n: you took forever
P: I had to pee ok
Y/n: ok just saying

Payton goes live on Instagram and tells them to give you truth or dares. (F: fan)
F: Truth do you guys have a crush on someone
P&Y/n: yes
P: what who
Y/n: only if you tell me yours
P: no way
*a little bit later*
P: ok guys I'm about to end this live. We can do one more dare
F: I dare you two to kiss
You and Payton look at each other and payton smirks.
P: you don't have to
Y/n: a dare is a dare

Payton comes up to you and puts his hand around your waist and pulls you in closer.
P: are u sure
Y/n: it's a bit late for that
He puts his other hand on the side of your face and kisses you and you kiss him back. It's wasn't for long because you guys were still live.
P: so guys that is it I'll see you tomorrow bye

You guys got out the hot tub and went inside to dry off. You got into your pyjamas, you and Payton go to his room (you always sleep in his room). Your laying in bed and can tell he has something on his mind.
Y/n: are you ok
P: yeah just thinking about something
Y/n: anything i can help with
P: not really it's ok tho
Y/n: ok I'm here when you need me
**he never usually keeps things from me which means it's probably something bad but what can it be**
When your laying and can't stop thinking about your kiss with Payton.

You wake up and have breakfast and get ready for the day. You and Payton go out and skateboard most of the day and when you come back his mum is back. You stay at his all day and he takes you home later that night.

*Payton's pov*
I need to tell y/n something, well it's more ask a favour from her but I don't know how to. I think I might just tell her straight up. I'm driving her home and I'm kinda nervous and I think she could tell because she asked
Y/n: are you ok
P: yeah all good you
Y/n: yeah I'm good

We finally arrived at her house and it was time for me to tell her. I'm even more nervous because I don't know how she will react. I locked the doors so she couldn't get out straight away.
Y/n: i know we spend time together all the time but you need to let me leave at some point
P: I need to talk to you
Y/n: ok what is it
P: I need ask a favour. It's ok you can say no
Y/n: ok what is it
P: well something happened and I need you to be my girlfriend
Another cliffhanger oh no. Does anyone actually read these or not. I've stoped re-reading the parts so there's going to be more mistakes. Sorry not sorry:(
Thank you so much for 200 reads.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now