Part 30

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You meet everyone in the dining hall for lunch. You get food and find the table everyone is sat at.
Y: sorry we slept so late you say and see Ruby give you a look
Jo: it's fine at least you woke up before we go on the boat
P: I would hate to miss that

You finish lunch and chill by the pool for a few hours before ordering and uber. You arrive at some docks where a boat is waiting for you. You get on and go through al the safety and stuff before leaving. You sail out to sea and you eventually stop. You are going swimming with sharks.

Once the sharks are gone you can stay on the boat and go swimming. Your on the boat with the girls tanning.
Ru: sooo y/n
Y: don't start
Ru: tell me about it
Y: no
M: tell her what
Ru: what happened last night
N: what happened
You tell them what happened leaving out most detail.
M: wait really
Y: no Im lying you say sarcastically

You continue tanning till the boys. When they get on the boat Payton sits behind you, you sit between his legs and lean back on him. He wraps his arms around you and holds you close. (I hope that makes sense). You look at the girls and they are giving you that look.
Y: what
Ru: nothing, what we doing after this
M: were going to the pool
Jo: sure
You go chill by the pool for the rest of the day.

(Time skip)
It's your last night in Bora Bora. You go out and have dinner at a restaurant. You decide to have a small party at your hut. You put on music in and play games. You don't stay up that late because you have and early flight.

You have a shower and get ready for bed. You get in bed and lay you head on Paytons chest and he puts his arms around you.
Y: this place is amazing
P: we should come back
Y: we have to
P: ok then we will
You fall asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

you wake up the next morning and put something comfy on.

You and Payton pack your bags and make sure you have everything

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You and Payton pack your bags and make sure you have everything. You meet everyone in the dining hall for breakfast. Once your done your uber is ready to take you to the airport, you go in and go through security and everything. Your tiered from waking up early so you and Payton go starbucks.
Y: thank you for all of this it was perfect
P: just like you
Y: love you bubs
P: love you too princess

You back to everyone and wait for your flight.
'flight 357 is ready to bored'
Ru: that's me, thank you for the amazing time everyone
Y: i'm going to miss you say giving her a hug good bye.

She hugs everyone goodbye and Jackson last. You wait a little longer to get on your plane. You sit next to the window, Payton in the middle and Jackson on the isle seat. as the plane is taking off you look out the window.
P: it's ok we will come back
Y: i hope so
P: i know so

You rest your head on Paytons shoulder and fall asleep. You wake up to him lightly shaking you. You go through security and baggage claim and find your mum. She drops Payton off and you go home. When you get in you take a nap. When you wake up you go downstairs.
Y/m: so how was it
Y: it was perfect i loved it
Y/n: tell me everything

You tell her everything leaving out a few things like your argument. You go back to your room and unpack your things. You face time Payton and don't do much for the fest of the day.

(Time skip a week)
You and Payton have been together for the last few day. Your at his house and it's getting kinda late.
Y: imma go home
P: what why
Y: i haven't seen my family in two days i should let them know i'm alive at least
P: no don't leave
Y: i love you and all but why are you so cling all of a sudden.
He doesn't say anything
Y: what aren't you telling me
P: it's nothing bad but next week i'm going LA for a week to work on my music and i won't be able to see you and I'll miss you a lot
Y: can't i just come with you
P: i thought you wouldn't want to
Y: of course i want to. I'll go wherever you go

You call your mum and ask and she says it's fine. You book tickets and Payton tells his managers. You stay a little longer then go home. You get hime and Facetime Ruby.
Ru: hey are you ok
Y: yeah i've been feeling really tiered lately and i don't know why
Ru: oooo you and Payton been busy
Y: no we haven't since the holiday
Ru: oh...jet lag maybe
Y: probably

You stay on facetime for a few hours before you go to bed. You text Payton before falling asleep.  Payton in bold
Goodnight princess I love you ❤️xx
Goodnight bubs love you too 💖xx
I'm just saying for context it's the middle of March now they went in holiday at the begging of March. Anyway so I was going to publish this tomorrow but I just had to say thank you for 10k reads, I'm kinda shocked never thought that would happen but thank you

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now