Part 32

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You wake up early the next morning. You go to the kitchen and get a glass of water and something to eat. You watch tv and wait for Payton to wake up. You look at the time and realize that Payton's late so you go wake up.
Y: Payton wake up your going to be late
P: no
Y: yes get up
P: I'm not going in
Y: what
P: I'm staying here to make sure your ok it's fine

You leave the bedroom and go back to the living room. Payton comes out not long later and joins you.
P: so how are you
Y: I'm fine, you should be in the studio
P: you really want me to go
Y: yes i do
P: fine I'll go but your coming with me
Y: fine

You get ready and leave. On the way to the studio you pass a target. You tell Payton to go in so you do.
P: why are we here
Y: I really want something sweet
P: ok that's weird

You go the cake isle and get some lemon cake bites and Payton gets what he wants. You go check out then go to the studio. You sit on the sofa and watch Payton do his thing. After a while he takes a break
Y: so what's the song
P: love letter
Y: whats it about
P: an ex
Y: avani??
P: no before her in middle school, it ended really abruptly and it gave me inspiration I guess
Y: ok anything else you working on
P: a few others but their not important yet

You sit and talk for a while before he has to get back to work. Your on your phone when Payton calls you over.
P: can you say this please
Y: sure why
P: it's going to be in the song, you don't have to sing it's going to be like a voicemail type thing
Y: sure

You say what they need you to say and they record and edit it. Your there for a few more hours before you go back to the air bnb. You chill in the living room.
P: thank you
Y: for?
P: everything, for coming here with me and helping me
Y: of course. I love seeing you do what you love and I'm going to support you no matter what the future holds
P: I love you so much and I'm going support you through everything you decide to do no matter what
Y: I love you
You cuddle on the sofa and watch movies. You fall asleep and Payton carries you to bed.

You wake up the next morning and really want orange juice. You ignore it and get ready for the day. You wake Payton up.
Y: get up or you will be late
P: it's too early
Y: that's not my problem get up
P: cuddles
Y: you can have cuddles when you get back from the studio
P: promise
Y: promise

Payton gets out of bed and gets ready. You make him some breakfast and give it to him.
P: ok let's go
Y: imma stay here today I'm kinda tired
P: but you went to bed early
Y: yeah I know
P: ok well I'll see you later he says giving you a kiss before he leaves.

You go into the living room and decide to watch friends on Netflix. Your hungry so decide to go out and get some lunch. You decide to go to McDonald's.
W: what can I get for you today
Y: can I get a Big Mac meal with an orange juice and a Diet Coke and an Oreo McFlurry
W: sure that will be $8.85

You pay for your stuff and go back to the air bnb. When you get back you eat and go back to bed. You take a small nap but wake up to your phone ringing.
P: hey how are you
Y: I'm good how is everything
P: it's good I should be done in an hour or two
Y: ok

You talk some more before he has to go. You stay in bed and watch tv while you wait for him to come back. When he gets back he gets in bed. He lays his head on your chest and puts his arm around you.
Y: how was your day you ask playing with his hair
P: it was good. I got a lot done, how was yours
Y: it was alright I've just watched tv all day and took a nap
P: your so tiered lately
Y: yeah haven't been sleeping at night
P: ok

You lay in bed and watch tv together. You order dominos for dinner and don't do much for the rest of the night.

(Time skip)
Your back home and your chilling in your room. Your just watching tv when all of a sudden you want pretzels. You call Payton on the way to target.
Y: I'm going target do you want anything
P: can you get a red bull and some crisps
Y: sure

You go to target and get your stuff before going to Paytons. You walk in and say hi to Joanne before going to Paytons room. He's at his desk working on something. You sit on his bed, watch tv and eat your pretzels.
P: I'm going live wanna join
Y: sure

You go sit next to him and he starts the live. He plays his guitar and you play the keyboard. He stops and answers questions.
F: when's love letter coming out
P: April 17th
Y: that's in a week and a half
P: yeah I know
Y: you excited
P: very but also nervous
Y: they will love it

He stays live for a bit then you chill. You go home a few hours later and catch up on some school work.
I know this one is boring but it's going to get interesting.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now