Part 5

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*Payton's pov*
I haven't seen y/n in a few hours. I'm sitting on the sofa with josh and Jaden when y/n comes over and sits on my lap. She has drink in her hand and I can almost smell the alcohol on her.
Y/n: hey stoopid whatchaaaa doinnnn
P: how much have you had to drink
Y/n: 5 or 6 but then I stoped counting
P: ok let's go get you a drink
Y/n: yes let's go I want another

I carry her to the kitchen. There aren't many ppl left and it's 12:30. I told everyone they have to be gone by 2:00am. I sit her on the counter and get her a glass of water.
P: there you go that should sober you up
Y/n: thank you, my head kind started to hurt
P: no problem
Y/n: do you know what I noticed, you have fluffy hair
P: oh really

She reaches out and plays with may hair. Her face gets closer to mine and she is about to kiss me but I move away slightly. I don't want to but Ik I should.
P: you will always regret a drunken kiss
Y/n: you don't
P: I'm never drunk just tipsy
Y/n: what ever you say
P: let's get you upstairs for you to sober up
Y/n: ok

She puts her arms out for me to carry her. I put her in the spare room and tell her to come down when she has sobered up a little.
*end of pov*

About half an hour later you go downstairs there is barely anyone left. You carry on drinking water until your practically sober again.

By 2:20am it's only you, payton, Josh, Nessa, Jaden, Mads and Jackson. There are sleeping bags in the floor because your all sleeping at Paytons tonight. You and Payton are sitting on one sofa, Jackson is on the other one and the rest are on the floor.
Jo: what movie are we watching 
P: It chapter 2
Y/n: no I have the biggest fear of clowns
P: you'll be fine
Y/n: ok but if i screem you'll be going deaf

Every time there is a jump scare you lean into Payton's chest and look away from the tv. He puts his arm around you. You feel safer in his arms. You fall asleep at some point during one of the movies.

*Payton's pov*
When I wake up y/n has her head in my chest and my arms are around her. I hear noises in the kitchen so I go see who it is and it's Josh.
Jo: whats up with you and y/n you were cuddling
P: nothing we just fell asleep
Jo: sure, so your not trying to fuck her then leave
P: why does everyone say that
Jo: because that's what you always do to girls
P: whatever we're just friends
Jo: sure bro

I go back into the living room and try not to wake anyone up. I pick y/n up bridal style and carry her upstairs. I lay her on my bed. I go to my wardrobe and get a t-shirt for her and then go get a pair of faiths shorts because she's still wearing her dress. I shake her slightly so wakes up a little.
P: there's a t-shirt and shorts at the end of the bed for you
Y/n: mhm
P: night shortie
I leave the room and go sleep in the spare room. Everyone else is keeping downstairs
*end of Pov*

-the next morning-
You wake up in Payton's room, your wearing one of his shirts. You don't remember how you got in his room or his t-shirt on. You check the time and it's 11:30. Payton comes in, he is shirtless wearing grey sweats. You look at his abs that you didn't notice before. He comes and sits at the end the bed.
P: morning, sleep ok
Y/n: yeah i guess, little confused tho
P: why
Y/n: why am I wearing your shirt and in your bed
P: you fell asleep on the sofa so I took to upstairs and put a shirt and shorts at the end of the bed.
Y/n: ok, where is everyone
P: they went home like an hour ago

You get him to pass you the shorts on the floor. He leaves and you put them on and go downstairs. No one is home. His parents aren't coming home till Sunday.
P: what do you want for breakfast
Y/n: just some cereal
P: ok, I think that is the first time a girl was in my bed and I didn't sleep with her
Y/n: really, first time for everything I guess
P: although you did try to kiss
Y/n: really

You face goes red from embarrassment. Your eating your breakfast when a notification goes off on your phone. It's a reminder that it's you birthday in a week. Payton sees it and says
P: OMG I totally forgot about your birthday we have to throw a party
Y/n: no way
P: oh c'mon it will be so fun
Y/n: fine but not like yesterday I don't want anything big
P: ok, a small party inner circle only
Y/n: actually i have always wanted a pool party
P: pool part next Saturday here

You guys discuss it on the gc and everyone can come. You tell your mum and she says it's fine. You stay at Paytons most of the day.  He takes you home around 5:330. You have a shower and get in some comfy clothes. You keep his shirt on tho. You watch Netflix for the rest of the day and get a text from Payton.
What are you doing tomorrow
Nothing why
Wanna hangout
Come over at like 10-11
Ok, I'm going bed now
Night shortie x
Night payt x
I feel like this one is boring but we move. I also wrote this at 2am so there probs a lot of mistakes.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now