Part 18

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You wake up late the next morning and realised your really late for school. You rush to get ready, you go downstairs for breakfast.
Y/m: i called the school, your having that day off
Y: why
Y/m: you woke up late and missed 2 lessons
Y: ok not going to argue with that

You go back to your room and payton looks like he is about to wake up. You go lay your head on his chest and he wraps his arms around you.
P: morning princess
Y: morning, I'm off school today
P: may as well do online school
Y: maybe I've been thinking about it
P: you could join after the Christmas/New Years break
Y: I'll talk to my mum about it

You guys get up and ready for the day. You go downstairs and watch Netflix. Your mum is at work and Ethan is at school.
P: I'm going over to Jackson's with the boys
Y: ok have fun
P: you not coming with me
Y: sure but I have to leave at 1pm
P: ok ???

You drive to Jacksons and the boys are all in the game room he has. There's one bean bag left. Payton goes and sits on it, you walk past to go sit on a chair but he pulls you into his lap and buries his head into the crook of your neck.
Ja: you two are so cute
J: I'm so single
P: you'll find someone one day
Y: I think I have someone you might like. Just wait till later

They all look at you with a questioning look. They play video games and you all make tik toks. You look at the time and it's 1:10pm.
Y: shit I was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago. Guys I goatta leave
P: where you going
Y: you will see in about an hour
P: ok then see in a bit
Ev: bye

You leave and go to the airport you wait outside until you see Ruby. Your best friend from Georgia. You run into each others arms and hug. On the way to your house she catches you up on everything you miss back home, she already knows everything that's going on with you.
Ru: it's not the same without you
Y: it's not that same here either
Ru: I missed you so much
Y: I missed you too

You get to yours and get her settled into the guest room. Then you go back to Jackson's. You go back to the game room and stand in the door way.
Y: guys there is someone I want you to meet
Ru: hi I'm Ruby
Ev: hi ruby
Y: everyone this is my best friend from back home, Ruby these are my best friends from well here

Everyone introduces themselves, when the girls get here they say hi too. The girls are sitting on the sofa in the game room while the boys play games. Jackson hasn't stopped looking at Ruby and you see her looking at him.
Y: so Ruby...Jackson huh
Ru: what are you talking about
Y: you like him
Ru: I only met him a few hours ago
M: and that doesn't matter
N: he hast stopped looking at you
Y: plus's your here for a 3 weeks so you can get to know him

Ruby just rolls her eyes. You guys stay for dinner then you go home. Payton comes back to yours with you. Ruby goes to your room and you and you and Payton go talk to your mum.
Y: so mum I was thinking if it was possible could I do online school. I've already thought I through. I will apply for the semester after Christmas break and I have good grades so I will most likely get in  plus this way I can still do school with my friends.
Y/m: I will have to talk to your school but I don't see why not
Y: wait rlly
Y/n: yeah
P: this is amazing

Payton picks you up and spins you around. You go upstairs and tell Ruby. Not long after Payton goes home.
Ru: you two are cute together
Y: you know who else would be cute together
Ru: who
Y: you and Jackson
Ru: 🙄...I mean I guess he's cute but it doesn't matter he won't like me
Y: trust me I know Jackson, he likes you he's just shy at first. Make the first move talk to him
Ru: ok I will whats his insta

You give her all they boys insta. She messages Jackson. They end up talking all night. You spend most of the night in your room talking and gossiping. Ruby goes to the guest room to sleep when your mum comes in.
Y: everything ok
Y/m: yeah, I talked to the school. I'm having a meeting with the Principal. You'll most likely be doing a few tests next week then have the rest of the semester off
Y: ok thank you for everything
Y/m: anything for my favorite child. Don't tell your brother though she laughs
Y: I won't i promise
She leaves and you go to sleep.

(Time skip)
It's a week later and your in a meeting with your principal(Pr). He said it should be fine for you to transfer to online school.
Pr: you will have to some English maths and science tests before to makes sure your not failing
Y: ok when will that be
Pr: english tomorrow,maths Thursday and science Friday. Once you've finished the tests you can go home the have the last week off school.
Y/m: ok thank you for your help
Pr: no problem.

Everyone, including Ruby is at Jackson's again, you go to Jackson's and tell them what the Principal said.
P: that's great now you can do school with us
Y: what about Mads and Nessa
Ja: they are doing online school as well
Y: this will be great
You don't do much but after you go home and chill with Ruby.
Hi idk what to say so I hope you've had a good day ❤️ Also thank you so much for 900 reads, I don't get I have that many but thank you💞

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now