Part 14

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Read the last one if you haven't
Y: what
P: I like you and you like me so why not be mine. Your the first girl in 2 years that has managed to make me want to trust and be in a relationship again. So please be mine
Y: payton I don't know
P: why not
**i really want to tell him that I'm scared to get hurt again but it's sounds stupid**
Y: I-I... I can't tell you

You leave the bathroom and go sit by the pool. You look at the stars and just think. You don't know how long your out there for until Payton comes and joins you. He doesn't look at you or say anything.
Y: Payton your right, I do like you but it's not that simple
P: why not y/n your the first girl I've opened up to in years
Y: I know but I've been hurt
P: so have I but I'm still trying so why can't you
Y: you don't get it. You got cheated on ik but's a lot worse

You feel your self tear up jut thinking about what happened. You don't want him to see you cry so you leave. You go to the bathroom, you shut the door and sit on the floor. You hold your knees to your chest as you feel the warm tears fall down your face. You hear him come up the stairs, you cover your mouth so he doesn't hear you cry but it doesn't work. He comes in and sits on the floor next to you, he opens his arms and you crawl on to his lap. He holds you in his arms rubbing your back, telling you it will be ok. Your cries eventually become mumbles then sniffles. Your pretty tiered after crying so he carry's you to bed and you fall asleep with you head on his chest.

You wake up the next morning and payton is still holding you. You manage to get out of his grip before you go downstairs. You make breakfast and while cooking Payton comes down. He doesn't say anything, once your done cooking you put it on some plates and give one to him. You eat in silence, once you've eaten you clean up and payton goes to the living room. Once your done you go to the living room and sit next to him.
Y: I'm sorry
P: you have no reason to be sorry I shouldn't have been so pushy yesterday. I just don't understand why not
Y: there is a reason, I just don't like to talk about it. No one knows apart from my family and I don't want anyone to know
P: ok
Y: last year I was in relationship. At first he was sweet and kind but then he changed. He would try and get me to do things I didn't want to, when I wouldn't he would get mad. He would try and manipulate me into thinking everything was my fault. He hurt me mentally and emotionally, he was borderline abusive.  I was terrified he would snap at any moment and I never knew what he was going to do I felt so broken. I was to scared to break up with him. I didn't tell anyone what was going on at the time. One day when he was angry he went to hit me, Ethan saw and stopped  him. That's when I told them everything and I broke up with him and I told the police. They could do anything but get give him a warning because he never actually physically hurt me.
P: y/n I'm so sorry that happened to you. You know I would never do anything like that to you. I only want the best for you, weather that's with or without me.
Y: Ik, your the first guy I have trusted and felt safe with since then bur I just don't think I'm ready for a relationship
P: it's ok I understand you need time and that's fine. I'll be here waiting.

You give him a hug to say thank you. You spend the rest of that day at Payton's house and don't do much.

*Rileys pov* (there something new)
Going to Payton's party yesterday was just the beginning of my plan. Me and him used to be so close before I move away. I've always had a crush on him but then he started dating Avani so I got Jake to mess it up. I was the one who was there for him after the break up. Now it's y/n. They may not be together but they are definitely close, and they will get to get her I can tell. I'm in my room with Eliza, she's helping me with my plan R-Riley El-Eliza
El: so what do i get out of this
R: idk you can have Jackson. Anyway, we need to get Payton to trust me like he used to.
El: there's an event in about a moth and Payton and y/n are going why don't you go as well
R: you've just given me the perfect idea but we're going to need some help

I explain my idea on what we're going to do at the event. We've go the perfect person to help us. My plan will work and I will end up with Payton. He doesn't need y/n.
* end of pov*

On Sunday you payton don't do much. Jackson comes round and they play video games while your in your phone. When faith and Joanne get back you talk about the contest they went to and how it was.
I bet no one saw that coming. Ok you probably did but anyway....omg love letter just came on as I'm writing this😂 I also forgot to say thank for 300 and now 400 views🥺

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