Part 10

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I suggest you go read the last one.
Y- is you
Y: what! Girlfriend why
P: I kinda told my mum we're dating
Y: why would you do that
P: 1 week ago I had a girl round and I thought my mum was out. She wasn't and heard us. She asked who it was and I said my gf and when she asked who I said you
Y: why
P: your the first person who came to my head, please y/n she doesn't know that I'm a fboy
Y: give me time to think

He unlocks the car and you get out. You go straight to your room. You sit and think about what he said. Ofc you want to be his girlfriend but it would all be fake, you really like him and you know this would hurt you. However your a good friend. You call Payton
Y: ok I'll do it
P: omg thank you so much your amazing
Y: I know, you owe me big time for this
P: we have dinner at mine with my mum next weekend
Y/n: ok

You guys talk for a bit. You go to bed and think. Your not telling your mum about any of this and have asked Joanne not to say anything.

-time skip to the weekend-
You pack a bag because your staying at Paytons. He's picking you up at 5pm. You have a shower and get dressed in to this.

You told your mum your going to a party so she isn't suspicious

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You told your mum your going to a party so she isn't suspicious. You get in Payton's car. The closer to his house you are the more nervous you are.
P: you'll be fine I promise
Y: I hope so

You walk into his house holding hands and go say hi to his mum and sister. While your talking to them he has his arm around your waist and holds you close to him.
P: I'm going to get changed
Y: ok see you in a bit

He kisses your forehead before he leaves. You help Joanne with dinner.
J: I'm so glad you and Payton are together, he talks about you all the time
Y: really
J: yeah, btw it's completely ok that you and Payton do things, I just hope you always use protection
Y: yeah we do, I'm going to use the toilet

You leave the kitchen because you felt awkward. You go to Payton's room. He is wearing a blue button down shirt and black jeans.
Y: can you ask your mum not to talk about us having sex because it makes me feel awkward
P: sure I'll talk to her

You stand in the mirror looking at your dress making sure it's ok. Payton comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder.
Y: no ones around you can stop pretending
P: when your in my house your my girlfriend so I'm treating you the same all the time
Y: ok then

You go back downstairs and Payton helps his mum finish dinner. You guys sit at the table, you sit next to Payton.
J: so why don't you want to tell your mum
Y: Ethan is overprotective and my mum can't keep a secret that well
F: have you told your fans
P: is still an early relationship and they can be overwhelming so we're going to wait

You guys have finished dinner and are at the table talking and Payton puts his hand on your thigh. He kept on moving his hand higher, you put your hand on top of his before it goes to high. After the dishes are done you guys watch tv in the living room.

Payton has work to do so you guys go to his room. You sit at his desk with him and help him. He put his hand on your thigh and keeps on moving it higher again. You remove his hand from your leg.
Y: just because we are in a "relationship" doesn't mean you getting anything out of it
P: yeah I know it just something I do
Y: well stop moving it so high
P: ok

Everyone is in bed but you and Payton are still up. You get hungry so you guys go down and get some food. You guys go down and have something to eat.

You sit on the kitchen side, Payton comes and stands in between you legs and holds your waist. You stare into his eyes and lean in to kiss him he leans away slightly.
Y: why am I always the one to kiss you
P: what about the dare and you said I'm not getting anything out of this
Y: ok then, well imma go bed now
P: ok I'll be up in a bit

*Paytons pov*
I go upstairs and see a note on my door tell me to sleep in the guest room. I laugh and pull it of the door.
P: seriously I say holding the note
Y: yep
P: no
Y: ok I will then

She gets a blanked and goes to leave I walk over stop her from leaving and take the blanket. She looks me in the eyes
P: is this because I dodged your kiss
Y: no she says avoiding my eye contact so I know she is lying
P: yes it is

She doesn't say anything, I lift up her chin so she has to look at me. I lean in and kiss her.
*end of pov*

You didn't expect him to do that but you kiss him back. You guys are kissing for a bit when he says.
P: can we actually go to bed now
Y: yeah

You guys get in bed. Your falling asleep and you feel Payton's arms around your waist. Your to tiered to say anything so you leave him.
I was in inspired but someone to do this but I don't remember who, I'm sorry:(💖

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now