Part 36

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You wake up the next morning with Payton's arm around you. You feel sick and go to the bathroom. Your not sick this time. You go back into the bedroom and Payton is awake.
P: are you ok what happened
Y: nothing just felt sick
P: ok, the doctors appointment is at 1pm, what's the time
Y: 9am
P: that's so early, let's go for breakfast

You get up and ready and you go to a little caffe. Once your done you go back to your house and chill.
P: do you still have the test
Y: yeah it's where it was before, I think that's how imma tell my mum
P: yeah that's a good idea

It's time to go to the hospital so you get ready to leave. You go downstairs and look for your car keys.
Y: mum where are the car keys
Y/m: hanging up, where you going
Y: me and Payton are going to the mall we'll be back in a few hours
Y/m: ok see you later

You get that car keys and go to the hospital. The receptionist gives you a form to fill out. You fill it out and give it back to her. The doctor comes out not long after. You follow him to his office. D- doctor
D: so your here for a pregnancy test
Y: yes, I've taken an at home one and it came back positive but I want to be 100% sure
D: ok well I'll get you some water

He goes and gets some water and you wait until you need to pee. He gives you a cup and you go pee in the cup.
D: ok how this works is I stick the paper in if it turns pink your pregnant
Y: ok
He sticks it in and it turns pink
D: now I know your young and the are some leaflets with alternative options that you might be interested in
P: oh no thank you we don't need them
Y: is there anyway I can find out how far along I am
D: sure I'll go get a nurse and you can have a scan

The doctor leaves to get a nurse who takes you to a room with scanning equipment. You have to undo your jeans and pull them down to your hips. She puts a gel on your lower stomach and you can see it on the screen. N- nurse
N: looks like your about 6 weeks, see that tiny little been like thing there
Y: yeah
N: that's your baby

You just look at the screen. The nurse gets you cleaned up and you get a sonogram. After that you get to go home. You drop Payton off then go home.
Y/n: how was the mall
Y: it was amazing you say with a smile

You go upstairs and sit on your bed and look and the picture. It's just so small so small. You put it away with the test. You call Payton and talk for a bit.
Y: I have a question, why say no to the leaflets
P: because I saw them when we walked in. Personally I don't want an abortion. It's up to you, we can go back and get one if you—
Y: no no no, I don't want one I just didn't know what they were and it didn't click in my brain it was abortion. I wanna keep this baby
P: so do i
Y: I'm thinking about telling my mum tomorrow maybe Ethan as well. I'm scared of what he will say
P: it will be fine, once you tell your mum I'll tell mine

You talk some more about what your going to do. You know for a fact you want to keep it and raise it together. You decide that you will take a break from social media when your stomach starts to get big.

You wake up the next morning and go downstairs for breakfast. Your mum is in the living room. You decide to tell her now. You go upstairs and get the test and sonogram. You go sit in the living room with her.
Y: mum I have something to tell you. Don't kick me out please you half laugh
Y/m: y/n what is it she says sounding worried
Y: don't freak out but I'm pregnant you say showing her the test
Y/m: Are you sure
Y: yes, me and payton went to the doctors yesterday you say handing her the sonogram.
Y: please don't be angry
Y/m: I'm not angry, I'm sure you didn't plan this and that's fine. I'll support you no matter what. I'm here for you. Does Ethan know
Y: no I'm scared of his reaction. He's so protective, but I think I might tell him tomorrow. Please don't tell him
Y/m: I won't

You go back to your room and get ready for the day. You call Payton and tell him you told your mum and her reaction.
P: that's good, wanna come over
Y: sure
P: can you bring the sonogram please
Y: yeah of course

You get the sonogram and head over to Payton's. No one is home but Payton. You chill in his room. You hear the door open.
P: that's my mum, I'm going to tell her
Y: do you want me to come
P: would you please
Y: yeah of course

You both go downstairs. Joanne(J) is in the kitchen so you sit at the island.
P: mum we have some news, please don't get angry or upset 
J: what is it
P: well....ummm.... he puts the sonogram on the table
Y: what he's trying to say is I'm pregnant
J: wait really
Y: yeah she comes and give you a hug.
J: I can't believe this, how have you been
Y: the usual pregnant stuff
P: wait your not mad
J: no, I love you guys and I'll be here for you no matter what

You talk some more before going back to Payton's room. You stay the night at Payton's.
Ok but writing this made me want a baby ngl.
baby fever
Also thank you for 13k

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