Part 15

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Let me catch you up. It's a moth later and you and Payton are still best friend. You still aren't in a relationship and he's still waiting for you. Your together even more and every Friday you have movie night and cuddle. Also the boys do online school now but you, Nessa and Mads still go to school.

It's Wednesday after school so you walk to the gym and Joanne is waiting to start your lesson. You're taking a break when you feel someone hug you from behind. You turn to see Payton, some girls come over and you all talk.
F: Payton I need to steel your girlfriend for a second
P: she's not my girlfriend he says as he lets go from the hug
Y: not yet you joke as you walk away

You and Faith go into the offices and talk. You have a plan, there's an even this weekend. Your going to talk to Payton. Lately you've realised how much you actually like Payton and that you want to be with him. Faith has helped you with the plan.

-time skip-
It's Thursday night and you have just finished packing your bag. Payton is staying at yours tonight then your meeting the others at the airport. Payton said he was on his way a few minutes ago. When he arrives you guys go to your room. You listen to music and chill.

You wake up at 2am because your flight is at 4am. You get ready and get your bags. You say goodbye to your mum and Joanne drives you. You get to the airport and you say good bye.
F: good luck she says as she pulls away from the hug
P: why would you need luck
Y: ummm...because it's my first social event as an influencer

You guys go thru security and go Starbucks while waiting to bored the plane. You get caramel frappuccino and Payton went somewhere else to get a red bull. You meet everyone then bored the plane and the flight is fine.

You guys get to the hotel. You Jackson and Payton are in a room then the couples have their own rooms. You walk into the room and there is two double beds.
Y: dibs sleeping alone
P: no fair I wanted to be with you
J: what about me
P: you smell and she's cute
Y: fine, I guess you give good cuddles
J: ughhh get a room
P: this is our room dumbass
You put your bags and stuff away before going to bed.

You wake up at midday and are alone. You have a text from Payton saying they are going to get food. After a bit the get back.
P: I was thinking after we eat we go around the hotel and meet fans before our panel tonight
J: sure sounds fun
Y: yeah just let me get ready

You finish eating then get some clothes and take them into the bathroom. You have a shower and get dressed.

Once you all ready you go meet fans

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Once you all ready you go meet fans. They are all really nice and some gave you gifts. You go back to you room to put the gifts in there.
Y: someone come explore the hotel with me
J: I'm taking a nap maybe later
P: I'll come with you
Y: ok lets go

You guys walk around the hotel you finds a few things like swimming pools indoors and out. At the back of the hotel is a park. You sit on the swings and talk.
P: this reminds me of when we first met oooo when you moved back
Y: same, if we were home we would be cuddling and watching a movie
P: we agreed we could do the tomorrow
Y: I know but it's not the same

You guys walk back to your room and chill. You wait for Jackson to wake up before you go to the panel with everyone. After you get dinner. After everyone goes back you your room. Your chilling in your room, your kind of tiered so you go cuddle payton. He plays with your hair and you start to fall asleep.
Jo: can you guys stop playing and get together already
Ja: what he said like seriously
P: it's out of my control I'm just waiting
Y: shhhhhh i sleep
J: give an answer first
Y: ok soon you mumble
M: wait did she say soon
N: omg the ship is sailing

You just lay your head on Payton's chest smiling while everyone talks. They leave after a few hours. You have a shower and get changed and ready for bed. When you get in he puts his head on your chest, his arm around you and snuggles into you. He falls asleep as you play with his hair.
J: you guys are making me feel really single
P: were not together
J: but she said soon
P: don't believe anything she says. She's said that to me many times
Y: maybe you should listen this time you say quietly
P: wait what
Y: nothing
He doesn't say anything and just falls asleep.

*Riley's pov*
Me and Eliza have just arrived at the hotel. My plan is ready for tomorrow. All we have to do is wait. Nadya(Na) is in her hotel room waiting for us.
Na- Finally you guys are her
R: you remember what to do right
Na- of course, I watched them to day so I know roughly what time would be good
R- ok good
E- what am I doing
R- making sure no one gets in our way

We go over the last few details. Tomorrow has to go perfect otherwise it can ruin everything.
*end of pov*
Thank you again for 600 and 700 followers. I just want to say again no hate towards any 'bad' character or person in this book/story. Also I have an idea for my next one 😊

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now