Part 29

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You wake up and have a shower. Then get dressed. You go back into the bedroom and wake Payton up. You shake him awake but he grabs you and pulls you into bed. He starts kissing your neck.
Y: Payton stop we gotta get up
P: no later
Y: yes or we're going to be late you say getting out of his grip

He gets out of bed and gets ready. You meet the others in the dining hall and have breakfast. While your eating Payton puts his hand high on your thigh.
P: so what are we doing today
M: well we missed swimming with pigs so we rescheduled fo today
Y: I'm so excited

After breakfast Josh calls an Uber. He made a mistake and there isn't enough seats for everyone so you sit on Payton's lap. The car ride is bumpy and you feel him get a boner. You turn turn and give him a kiss on the cheek before whispering in his ear
Y: someone's happy
And Payton goes bright red.

You arrive and get out of the car. You go and find the instructor. You take off your clothes so your left in your bikini. You all get in the sea and play with the pigs. You take a picture for Instagram. (Pretend it you)

Liked by nessabarrett, Ruby

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Liked by nessabarrett, Ruby.x, paytonmoormeier and 743,904 more
Y/n_x - I love piggies

Paytonmoormeier - my baby the cutest 🥺 Y/n_x -nope that's all you bubs

Madslewis - photo creds to me
Y/n_x - best photographer out there

Ruby.x - that's my best friend
Y/n_x - your the best

Hater - ewww she makes me sick
Fan - jealousy is in ugly colour on you

Once your done with the pigs you go back to the resort and go on the beach. You all go in the ocean for a bit. Payton goes and sits the a sun lounger after a bit you get ice cream and join him. You sit in between his legs and he pulls you close to him.
P: I love you he whispers in your ear before kissing your neck
Jo: get a room he says and you go bright red and Payton stops

You guys find a nice restaurant to got to for lunch. You all get your food then find a table and sit down.
N: so what we doing tonight
Y: it's mine and payts movie night so we won't be there
P: I forgot it's Friday
J: me and ruby were just gunna chill you guys can come round

You finish lunch and go chill by the pool for the rest of the day. You go have dinner with everyone.
P: were gunna go now
Y: see y'all tomorrow
Ja: have fun he says and winks and you just laugh

You go to a small store close by and look for your favorite snacks. You don't get that much. You get back and put some sweats and a crop top on. You decide on a few movies. You watch the longes ride (you should watch it, it's on Netflix) and you end up crying. Payton sees you crying and pulls you in and cuddles you.
P: it's ok there's no need to cry
Y: but it's so sad
P: I know it is
Y: how are you not crying
P: I don't know
Y: you have no heart

Payton puts a movie in that he knows will make you feel better. That's the last movie that you guys watch. It's not that late and the sun is setting. When you can only just see the last of the sun you get a bikini and change in the bathroom. This is the bikini

You walk out and out your clothes away

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You walk out and out your clothes away. You go back into the bathroom to take your make up off and get a towel as you walk out you say
Y: I'm going in the hot tub join me if you want

You go get in the hot tub. A few minutes later Payton joins you.
Y: isn't it beautiful you say looking out at the view
P: yeah it is he says. You turn and see he is looking at you and you blush

You talk while looking at the view, you turn and look at him and he does the same. You guys lean in and kiss. Payton pulls you to straddle his lap and you guys make out. He moves forward slightly and you wrap your legs around his waist. He stands up and walks to the bedroom and putts you on he bed. He hovers over you and kisses your neck down to your stomach. Lets say that night was eventful.
I'm not writing that. Use your imagination.
You wake up the next morning to a knock at your door. You get out of Payton's grip and get out of bed and realize your in your underwear so you put Payton's tee-shirt on. You answer the door and see Ruby and you let her in.
Ru: where have you been all morning it's 11am we're leaving in a few hours to go on the boat
Y: I was sleep. We went to bed late
She looks you up and down before saying
Ru: wait did you guys
Ru: omg you totally did. Omg
Y: why are you so shocked it's not like it was my first
Ru: but it was your first with him
Y: anyway leave so I can get ready. Also don't tell anyone it's not their business

She leaves and you go back into the bedroom. You try to wake Dayton up but he pulls you back into bed.
P: I love you
Y: I love you too but we slept late and need to get ready
P: five more minutes
Y: we haven't got time
You guys get ready and meet everyone downstairs for lunch.
I've planned how the rest of the story is going to go and I might take more time to write them post multiple in a day. also thank you for 8k.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now