Part 11

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*Paytons pov*
I wake up and my arm is around y/n and she is asleep on my chest. It the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I have waited for this moment for ages, the moment I can call her my gf. I know it's fake but I wish it was real, I like her but I'm a fboy and she will never like me back.
I slowly move so I can get out of bed my sister is at work and idk where my mum is but it's just us. I decide to make her breakfast.
*end of pov*

You wake up to the smell of food. You quickly go downstairs and see payton making breakfast. As soon as he sees you he smiles. You go over as he puts the food on the plates. You take one and go sit down, he comes and gives you a hug and a kiss on the forhead.
P: good morning beautiful
Y: good morning payt and you can stop that now ones home
P: like I said your in my house your my girlfriend weather people are around or not
Y: yeah yeah ok
You say playfully rolling your eye

You help him tidy up from breakfast. Then you go upstairs and get dressed. You having a lazy day so you wear

You walked into Payton's bedroom and he looks you up and down

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You walked into Payton's bedroom and he looks you up and down.
P: hey cutie you look good today
Y: thank you

You stay at Paytons most of the day. Your in his room and kind bored.
Y: let's watch some movies
P: ok you pick
You pick a movie and he comes sits next to you.
P: come here
He says as he opens his arms. You move closer and cuddle with him. He's acting different and a lot nicer. He calls you 'baby' and 'babygirl'. You like it but you know it's giving you false hope that he likes you back. You realise that by doing this your leading your self on. Payton takes you home and you don't get out that car straight away.
P: is everything ok
Y: no
P: whats wrong
Y: I'm really sorry but I can't do it, I thought I could but I can't
P: why not
Y: idk
P: there has to be a reason
Y: i just can't Payton ok

You get out the car and don't look back. You go to your room. You loved yesterday and how he treated you but every time you remember it was fake it broke your heart in away.

*paytons pov*
I drive home and sit in the car. What am I supposed to do now. I know it was fake but it hurt I felt like have lost her. I go inside and sit in the living room. My mums back now.
J: are you ok sweetheart
P: me and y/n just broke up
J: oh no are you ok
P: yeah just idk
J: wanna talk
P: no I'm good thanks

I go to my room and message her. She leaves me on read. She never does that. I must have done something wrong. I message her again and she leaves me on delivered
*end of pov*

You can't bring your self to talk to him. You feel bad for "ending" things but it hurt to much knowing it was fake. You message him back a few hours later
Y: Sorry I didn't message you I wasn't feeling well I'm going bed now
P: it's ok night shortie x
Y: night payt x

-time skip-
You avoid Payton all day which was pretty hard because you have the same friendship group. After the weekend it felt different, it felt like you had lost him even though he was still your friend.
You went to chick fil a after school. Your sitting inside and look out the window. You see payton in the park with someone, a girl. They are talking but then they kiss. You had seen him kiss many girls at party and didn't care but this time it hurt you to see it. You got up and left.
You got home as quickly as possible, you went to your room. You couldn't tell if you wanted to cry or scream and break something because your angry. Seeing him kiss that girl really hurt, even though you kinda knew that's what he was going to do.

-time skip-
You've been avoiding him and ignoring his messages. Usually you ft everyday but you stoped. Wednesday day after school you go to the gym. You walk in and see Payton. You walk straight past him and start working out. He works out with you like always. You guys work out in silence. You go on the treadmill for the last 15mins.
P: y/n....y/n....Y/N
Y: what...what do you want
P: why have you been ignoring me
Y: because
P: I'm sorry if I did something at the weekend that upset you I didn't mean to can we just go back to being us
Y: Why you have found some new entertainment slightly raising you voice
P: whats that supposed to mean also raising his voice. You could tell he's getting angry
Y: IDK PAYTON YOU TELL ME you shout as you walk out

You go to walk away but he grabs you by the arm and turns you around to face him.
Y: get off me
P: not until you tell me wtf that was bout he says tightening his grip, he was still angry
Y: owww payton get off me
P: what I was barely touching you
He says letting go and seeing your wrist is slightly red.
P: omg y/n I'm so sorry I didn't mean to

He says as you walk away. You get in your car and go straight home, you go to your room and cry. You want things to back to how they were but everything that happened hurt you. You don't know what to do until you realise what should be done. You go downstairs to look for the car key.
Y: muummm where's the car keys
Y/m: Ethan has the car

You go outside and it's raining but You don't care. You start to run as fast as you can. You run to Payton's house, you knock on the door. Part of you doesn't want him to open the door.  When he does you see he has red puffy eyes like he's been crying as well.
P: y/n? What are you doing here
What is she doing at his house? Thank you to my friend that helped me write this and gave me a bunch of ideas I really appreciate,         luv u💕

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now