Part 35

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You wake up with Payton's arm around you. You feel sick like always and go to get out of bed but he pulls you back in.
Y: Payton let go
P: no cuddles
Y: Payton's seriously let go
P: more cuddles
Y: Payton seriously please let go

He lets go, you get out of bed and go be sick. He comes in and holds your hair back. Once your done you wash your mouth out.
P: you ok
Y: yeah I'm fine
P: you sure you were just sick
Y: yeah I'm good, I'll feel fine in an hour or so

You go back to his room and get ready and so does he. You go have breakfast and stay for a few more hours.
Y: I should get home
P: why
Y: I have stuff to do, I'll be back later
P: ok bye I guess

You give him a kiss on the cheek before leaving and going back home. You go into your closet and get the test. Your going to tell Payton today, you just need to figure out how.

*payton pov*
I know y/n is keeping something from me but I don't know what. If she is she's probably told Jackson, I know how close they are. I call him
J: hey bro you good
P: yeah how about you
J: I'm good
P: do you know what's up with y/n she's been kinda distant and I know she's keeping something from me
J: I have no clue bro
P: what were you talking about yesterday in the kitchen
J: she wanted to try something Nessa did but was afraid she'd ruin it
P: oh ok

We talk for a bit longer before I go. I know he's lying he didn't look at the camera when I asked him about y/n.
*end of pov*

Your sitting there thinking of ways you can tell Payton. You remember that you still haven't told Ruby so you face time her.
Ru: hey how are you
Y: not great
Ru: oh no what happened
Y: I took the test and I'm pregnant and I don't know how to tell Payton
Ru: trust me you know but your too nervous clear your mind and you'll figure it out
Y: but so much could go wrong, he could leave me, he might not want it, what if he never speaks to me again
Ru: none of that will happen he loves you and he will love you no matter what
Y: I know he loves me but this is a lot to take in, I'm still shocked and I have no clue how he will react
Ru: it's will be ok trust me

You talk for a little while longer when Payton texts you saying he's coming over. He comes over and come straight to your room.
Y: hey how are you
P: really good
Y: how comes
P: love letters doing amazing
Y: that's great, I want cuddles you say with grabby hands
P: ok
He comes over and lays with you and you lay your head on his chest.

*Paytons pov*
Me and y/n cuddles and watch Yh for a while. Y/n goes downstairs to get some drinks for us and I get a little cold. When she gets back I ask
P: you still got that box of my hoodies and stuff
Y: yeah why
P: I'm cold can I have a hoodie
Y: yeah of course

I go into her closet and look through the box to find a hoodie but instead I find something else.
*end of pov*

As soon as he walks into the closet you remember that you hid the test in that box. It's too late because he comes out holding the test.
P: whats this
Y: well it's umm...that what I needed to tell you but I didn't know how and I was going to later. I'm sorry
He doesn't say anything for a while
Y: payton say something literally anything
P: wait so your pregnant and you told my best friend before me
Y: I didn't want to worry you in case I wasn't.
P: how long have you known
Y: a few days. I didn't want to tell you yesterday and ruin your day
P: a few days, how could you keep this from me

He says as he puts the test down and walks out you go to follow him but by the time your in your drive way Payton's already in his car. You go back to your room and try not to panic.
**just give him time to calm down. Talk to him later it will be ok**
You call Jackson.
Y: it happened, he found the test. He got mad and left. I told you he would leave me you say as you start to cry
J: he left the house he didn't leave you. He just needs time to think
Y: I know he's going to leave me. What am I going to do you say crying even harder.
J: hold on I'll be over in five

He hangs up and comes to your house. He hugs you and you cry in his arm. He calms you down and talks to you. Eventually he has to leave.
Y: wait can you drive me to his house
J: of course

He drives you to Payton's house. You walk in and go to his room. You knock on the door before going in. He says come in so you do. He's sitting at his desk and you sit on his bed.
Y: please just listen to me. I know it's a lot to take in and I'm still kind of shocked. I didn't want to tell you in case I wasn't then I didn't want to ruin your day. Please don't leave me you say almost crying again
P: leave you, where did you get that from
Y: because your mad and left me earlier
P: I would never leave you. I'm just shocked and was angry at the time that you kept it from me but I understand now he says walking over to you
Y: I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do
P: it's ok I understand. I still love you and want to be with you we will get through this together
Y: I love you you say giving him a hug.

You talk some more and tell him everything. You decide to wait to tell your parents and you make a doctors appointment. You stay at his house that night.
Ok but I don't know what to say. So how was your day? Wow 3 posts in one day what.

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