Part 2

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It's Wednesday morning you wake up have a shower and get dressed. You wear black jeans and a hoodie. You woke up late and don't have time for breakfast. You get a text from Payton.
Want a lift to school
Sure why not my address is *********
See you soon

You see payton pull up out side so you go get in his car.
P: morning shortie
Y/n: morning stoopid
P: stoopid?
Y/n: your stupid for calling me shortie
P: whatever you say shortie

He drops you off and you go to form. When you walk in Avani rolls her eyes. You sit where you sat yesterday. Payton comes in and sits next to you.
P: you left your keys shortie
Y/n: thx stoopid
J: nicknames already wow
P: do you remember when I used to call you bear when we were kids
Y/n: yeah
A: how long have you known each other
P: since pre-school

When Avani comes over she sits on his lap but he gives her a look and she gets off.

-time skip to lunch-
You go to the gymnasium because the girls have practice. You sit with the boys and watch.
Jo: for the party dress up but not fancy
Y/n: do I have to wear a dress
P: no but most girls will be
Y/n: ok

When practice is over the girls come over. Avani is in your last lesson so she walks with you.
A: btw me and Payton are a thing so stay away
Y/n: ok

The bell goes and Payton is waiting for you outside your class room.
A: hey bby ready to go
P: I told you to stop that, and I can't today
A: fine your loss *she leaves*
P: you ready
Y/n: I'm going to they gym you can go with out me
P: I'll come with

You go to they gym every Wednesday and Friday and have for the past 2-3 yrs. you used to get bullied for the way your body looked so you started working out.
There is a gym at your school so you go to the locker rooms and change into this and put your hair into a messy bun.

You walk in and payton is waiting for you he is wearing grey sweats and no shirt

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You walk in and payton is waiting for you he is wearing grey sweats and no shirt. When you walk in he looks you up and down.
Y/n: what you looking at
P: just a cutie

*Payton's pov*
We work out together. The last thing we do is go on the treadmills.
Y/n: what are you and Avani
P: what did she say to you
Y/n: she told me to stay away because you and her are a thing
P: we broke up 2 yrs ago because she cheated but we still do stuff.
Y/n: why carry on if she cheated on you
P: idk but now I hookup with her girls I meet at parties
Y/n: classic fboy. Let me guess you don't wanna be a fboy but you don't wanna get your heart broken like you have before so you fuck any girl you can
P: yep

I hate how she was right. I know apart of doesn't want to be a fuckboy but the bigger part doesn't wanna get my heart broken again. We finish and y/n gets a drink. I can't stop looking at her, she is just so beautiful.
Y/n: take a picture it'll last longer
P: ok i will
She comes over to the mirror and we take a picture. I have my arm around her shoulder. We leave and I take her home.
*end of pov*

You get in and you have a shower. You get out and into you pjs. You get a text from the girls group chat.

{{Bad Bitch Club}}

We should go shopping on Friday for the party

Nessa🥺- sounds fun

I'm down

Mads 💗-  meet stop the mall after school

Nessa🥺- 4:30 good 4 everyone


{end of texts}

*Payton's pov*
I can't stop thinking about y/n.  I don't get why I'm always think about her lately. I get a text from Avani
A: are you busy
P: no why
A: I'll see you in 5

I already know what's going to happen. Deep down I don't want to but at the same time I need to forget everything. I sit on edge of my bed when Avani comes in. She doesn't even say hi she just comes over and starts making out with me. I want to tell her to stop but I don't I let it happen.
When we're done she tries to cuddle up to me.
P: you should go my mums going to be home soon
A: it's not like she hasn't seen me in your bed before
P: Ik but I told her I wouldn't have anyone over
A: fine I'll go

She gets her stuff and leaves. I just laid there and think about what happened. This time was different, it felt different and I was still thinking about y/n.
*end of pov*

Your in your room doing homework when you get a tex from Payton.
Wud shortie
Maths homework, can you help me
Sure what do you need help with

He explained what you needed to do and helped you with a few questions. He's actually quiet smart.
Thank you for the help
No problem. I haven't actually done it tho
Ofc you haven't, it's late I should go to bed
Night shortie x
Night stoopid x
I don't really like this one but oh well.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now