Part 24

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It's a few days later and Valentine's Day is in 2days. Your chilling in your room. Watching Netflix, you go downstairs to get something to eat and a drink.
Y/d: I'm taking you out tomorrow
Y: but don't you have work
Y/d: yeah I took the day off
Y: ok where we going
Y/d: the mall
Y: ok???
You go back upstairs and enjoy the rest of your day.

The next day your dad wakes you up at 10am. You get up and have a shower then get dressed. You go downstairs and have breakfast then leave. Your walking around the mall and ask
Y: so why did you want to take me to the mall
Y/d: because I miss spending time with my favourite child
Y: why isn't Ethan the favourite
Y/d: I don't know really

You go in some shops and your dad buys you whatever you want. You go to the food court and have Taco Bell. Once you've eating you go back home, on the way home your dad says
Y/d: there's something back home for you
Y: oooo what is it
Y/d: you'll see

You go home say hi to Sarah and Ethan then show them what you got.
Y/d: why don't you go put your stuff in your room
You say ok then go upstairs. You go to your room and put your bags away in your closet
P: so your not going to say hi
Y: omg I didn't even notice
P: thanks he laughes
Y: wait how are you here
P: there's this thing called a plane and well...
Y: I know how it works
You run to him and give him a hug
Y: I missed you so much bubs
P: I missed you too baby

You just stay in a hug for a while. You pull away and lay down and he lays next to you. You decide to watch Netflix.
Y: OMG I haven't gotten you a gift I thought I would have more time
P: it's fine, I haven't either
Y: ok I'm taking you out for dinner tomorrow
P: but you don't like fancy restaurants
Y: it's ok I don't care

You chill in your room until it's time for dinner. You go downstairs and eat. Your in the kitchen helping your dad after and Payton comes in.
P: you need any help
Y: no were good
Y/d: Payton it's great to finally meet you I never actually saw you
P: you too, thank you for letting me stay
Y/d: anything to make my daughter happy
Y: well thank you both I'm very happy

You and Payton go back upstairs and you have a shower and get ready for bed. You FaceTime everyone back home before getting in bed and falling asleep cuddling Payton.

You wake up the next morning before Payton. You decide to make him one of his favourite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. When your nearly done you feel arms go around your waist  and pulling you in closer.
P: happy Valentine's Day princess
Y: happy Valentine's Day bubs you say turning around and giving him a peck on the lips
E: ugh why do I have to be the single one he says coming into the kitchen
Y: because your ugly
E: your uglier
P: no she's not she's beautiful
E: ewww she's not

You finish breakfast and eat it in your room. You have a shower and get dressed and ready for the day. You grab your laptop and sit next to Payton on your bed.
P: so what do you want to do today
Y: I have work to do until 3pm am I was thinking we could go for dinner at 5pm so I have to start getting ready at 4pm
P: so I only have an hour with you
Y: no you have all night with me
P: well I say we listen to music and have a dance party while you work he says puting music on
Payton gets up and dances while you do work. You join him for a bit before getting back to work.
(Time skip)
Your doing your makeup and hair before you get dressed. Payton is getting ready in Ethans room. You decide to wear.

When your ready you go downstairs and see payton wearing

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When your ready you go downstairs and see payton wearing.

You say bye to everyone, get your dads car keys and leave

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You say bye to everyone, get your dads car keys and leave. Your not going to dinner straight away.
P: bowling? I thought we were going to dinner
Y: we are but I thought we could do something fun first and I know you love bowling
P: aww your so cute
Y: so are you bubs

You go in and pay for two rounds of bowling. Payton wins the first and you win the second.
Y: third round as a tie breaker
P: of course
You go pay for another. You win again.
Y: you better not have let me win
P: I didn't I promise
Y: we should get going before we miss our reservation

You guys leave and you drive to the restaurant. You park outside, you go inside and wait until someone comes over. W - waiter
Y: table for two under y/l/n
W: ok right this way

They lead you to a table (outside/ terrace), they hand you some menus once you've sat down. You look through and see what you want.
W: have you decided on what to order yet
Y: yes can I have the pesto pasta salad
P: can I have the chicken and potato salad
W: of course any drinks
Y: just a water please
P: me too thank you
W: ok I'll be right back

The waiter comes back with your drinks and it doesn't take long for your food to arrive. You sit and talk and have a fun time.
P: you look gorgeous tonight angel
Y: thank you, you look handsome tonight bubs
P: thank you, are you ready to go
Y: yeah let me get the bill
P: no I'm paying
Y: no I took you out so IM paying
P: ok at least 50/50
Y: no you say getting up and going to pay for the bill

You and Payton leave and go home. You get get in and ready for bed. You cuddle in bed as you fall asleep.
P: thank you for you night it was perfect
Y: your perfect
I woke this morning to 4K views and my view have been growing so fast and idk what to do, I'm so shocked. Anyway how was your day?

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now