Part 17

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You wake up with Payton's arms around you. You got to get out of bed but Payton pulls you in closer to him.
P: five more minutes
Y: no I need a shower before we meet fans
P: later
Y: now

He lets go and go go into the bathroom to have a shower. Once your ready you hear Payton talking to someone sounds like Jackson.
J: so what happened
P: we were watching a movie we kinda talked I guess but yk what happened with Riley. Anyway we're together
J: finally
Y: I thought we agreed no to tell people
P: only fans won't know
J: omg I'm so happy

You talk some more before going to get breakfast. You meet the others there. Your all at a table and Payton comes over with your drink.
Y: thank you bubs...sorry it kinda just came out
P: babe it's fine I like bubs
Ja: hold up babe? Bubs?
N: no way
M: your together
Y: yeah
P: don't tell anyone only you guys and family will know. We don't want to tell fans yet
Jo: ok dude

You go back to the hotel and meet fans. You have a good day. You leave Payton to go get something from your room when you see Jackson packing his bags.
Y: where are you going
J: I got an early flight out
Y: i though you were staying until tomorrow like us
J: no gotta go home
Y: awww it won't be any fun without you
J: I'll see you tomorrow dumbass
Y: ok see you later stupid
You go back to where everyone else is.

(Time skip I'm still lazy lol)

Everyone is in your room and your all talking.
Y: omg Jackson's the only single one now
Jo: we need to find him a girl
Ja: yeah other wise he will be third wheeling no matter where he is
N: he will find someone in his own time
M: yeah

You guys chill in your room before everyone goes back to their own room. You and payton are in bed talking and cuddling.
P: you know what we never did
Y: what
P: we never went swimming
Y: there's a hot tub outside
P: lets go

You get changed into a bikini and meet Payton at the hot tub. You sit opposite each other. Payton is just staring at you.
Y: what you staring at
P: cutest person in the world
Y: stoppppp you say blushing
P: I love it when you blush
Y: Seriously stop you say blushing more
P: make me he says with a smirk

You slowly get closer to him, when your next to him you kiss him. He kisses you back then pulls you in too so your straddling him. You make out for a bit.
Y: it's cold we should go inside
P: but—
Y: not buts I'm freezing and wanna be in bed
P: ok cuddles sound good anyway

You go back to your room get changed and into bed. You lay your head on his chest and put your arm around him.
Y: goodnight bubs
P: goodnight princess
He kisses your forehead before you fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up and get ready. You wake payton up then get breakfast with everyone. You go back and pack your bags. You meet everyone in the lobby the Uber to the airport. Your scrolling through Instagram and see this.

940,829 likesTeaTok - heated in the hot tub @y/n_x @paytonmoormeier

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TeaTok - heated in the hot tub @y/n_x @paytonmoormeier

Y/n_x - looks like we got exposed
↪️ paytonmoormeier- oops🤫

Fan- they are definitely a thing have you see their comment

Rileyhubatka - what about me

Hatter - he can do better that her
↪️ fan - your just jealous

User1772- has anyone seen Riley's comment

You sit there looking at the photo. You kinda don't want it in social media but even if they delete someone has probably reposted it. You guys bored the plane. When you land you your mum pick you and Payton up.
E: I saw TeaTok
Y: and what's your point
E: if you hurt her I will break you
P: I won't hurt her I want her to be happy he says looking at you smiling
Y/m: well I think it's cute

You get in the car and your mum drives you home. Payton decides to stay at yours tonight. Your in your room chilling you decide to go live on Instagram. You pin your comment that says 'ask me questions'
F- whats your favourite colour
Y: um blue
F- is payton with you
Y: yes payton is with me   P: hi guys
F- are you and Payton dating
Y: I'm we wasn't going to tell you guys but yes we are dating 
F- what wasn't you going to tell us
Y: because even though a lot of you love and support is there a lot of people who don't like us. We didn't want hate because it's an early relationship and we want things to work.

You stay life for a while, after you get in bed and watch Netflix with Payton. Your on your phone and get bored so you get up and go to the kitchen.
P: what are you doing
Y: baking cookies
P: at 1am
Y: yes

You get everything you need out, Payton helps you and while your waiting you dance. You get tiered and sit on the counter. Payton comes and stands in between your legs. He looks you in the eyes before he kisses you, you kiss him back. Your kissing until you hear the oven. You get the cookies out the oven and wait for them to cool down before you have one.
P: omg these are so good
Y: the secret is to put a tiny bit of cinnamon in. I do the same with my pancakes
P: thats why they always taste so good
Y: yep

You go back to bed, Payton has his head on your chest and arm around your waist. You play with his hair until you fall asleep.
Oops they got exposed 😂

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now