Part 25

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(Time skip)
It's 2 weeks before you and everyone are going to bora bora. Your going to the mall with Nessa and Mads. Payton and the boys are coming as well. Payton picks you up and drives to the mall. You go in and meet everyone else.
P: ok well I'll see you later
Y: ok I'll call you when I'm done
N: bye boys
Tb: bye

You go off and walk around and stop in some shops. You get some cute outfits and a few new bikinis and other stuff you would need. When your hungry you go to the food court for lunch and see the boys and you go sit with them.
Ja: are you done yet
M: nearly just two more shops
P: why do girls take so long shopping
Y: because we do now shush
Jo: oooo you go told
P: whatever

You finish lunch then go back to shopping. When your done you you to the entrance and call Payton and you guys go to your house.
P: can I see what you got
Y: sure but not all of it
P: ok

You show him some of the outfits and bikinis that you got before putting them in your closet. You chill for a while.
P: can I stay here tonight
Y: yeah of course I'll go tell my mum.

(Time skip)
You've just finished packing and are leaving for the airport in a few hours. Your mum takes you to Payton's house and you say goodbye.
Y/m: have fun
Y: I will
E: not too much fun
Y/m: good but love you
Y: bye love you too

Joanne drives you to the airport where you meet everyone before going in. You go through security and everything.
Y: I'm going Starbucks anyone wanna come
M: sure
Y: ok what does everyone want

Everyone tells you what they want and you go order. You go back and give them their drinks while waiting at your gate.
'Flight 74 is ready to board'
J: that's us let's go
M: best vacation with my baes
Y: OMG bae-cation
P: of course you would come up with that
Y: it's good come on

You get in the plane, Payton sits next to the window, you in the middle and Jackson on the isle seat. You watch movies most of the flight and sleep the last part.
P: bubs wake up we're landing

You land safely and go through baggage claim and security. Ruby's plane lands in an hour so you get an Uber to the resort. It kind a look like this.

 It kind a look like this

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These are the huts. Each couple gets their own hut.

You check into the reception and someone takes you to your hut

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You check into the reception and someone takes you to your hut. You unpack and look around before it's time to go get Ruby. You Payton and Jackson go to the airport and pick her up. When she sees you guys she runs and hugs Jackson.
Y: feeling the love right now
Ru: I saw you last month I haven't seen him in ages leave me alone ok
Y: I still want my hug

She gives you a hug as well before you leave. You get back to the resort and Jackson takes her to their hut. You text everyone saying to come to your hut.
Jo: why are we here
Y: because I wanna cook everyone dinner
M: oooo sounds loverly what you making
Y: you'll see

You go to the kitchen and start preparing everything you need then start cooking, you decide to make spaghetti Bolognese. You get a text from an unknown number it says
Hope you have fun on your vacation
You ignore it and carry on cooking.
P: need any help
Y: could you set the table please
P: of course
Y: thank you

Once your done everyone sits at the table and you hand everyone a plate.
Ja: omg y/n this is amazing
N: yeah where did you learn to cook
Y: thank you and my Nan taught me
P: well this is amazing

After dinner Payton washes the dishes up. You stay at yours and play games for a few hours. It's pretty late so everyone leaves and goes to their own hut. You have a shower and get ready for bed. You cuddle up to Payton.
Y: Payton this place is amazing
P: I knew you would love it
Y: it's literally perfect, thank you so much
P: anything for my princess
Y: I love you
P: I love you too
He says kissing you in the forehead before you guys fall asleep.

This ones pretty short but the next ones going to be interesting. I just woke up to 5k and I started laughing because I didn't think it was real. Thank you so much❤️

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now