Part 41

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Your in the kitchen making lunch for the kids when Brooke, your youngest, comes running in.
B: mummy
Y: yes sweetheart
B: the twins won't play dress up with me
Y: go ask daddy
P: ask me what
B: dress up please daddy I love you
P: awww I can't say no to that he sayas picking her up and walking out of the kitchen.

You might be confused. Lest do a little catch up.
You and Payton got married a year after he proposed. A year after that you moved to La with Jordan(J) so Payton can pursue his music career. Not long After you moved you found out you were pregnant with twins. A girl Elia(E) and a boy Logan(L). Three years later you were pregnant with Brook. Jordan is now 10, the twins are 7 and Brooke(B) is 4.
You all live in LA with all your friends. They all are still together and are doing different things. Payton and Jaden are doing music, Josh and Jackson are still doing social media, the girls are doing modelling and your a social media mum. You all hang out all the time and are still really close.

A little bit later lunch is ready and you call everyone into the dining room. You give everyone their lunch.
J: can i go over to Baileys (Jackson and Ruby's kid)  after lunch
Y: yes of course you can
P: you've been over there a lot lately
Y: omg i can hear the wedding bells already
E: look at him he's gone all red
L: Jordan has a crush
J: imma crush you in a sec
Y: be nice to your siblings
J: but-
Y: no but be nice and that goes for the rest of you as well

You eat and talk and once their done the kids go upstairs and you clean up the mess. Your looking for Payton so you ask Elia and Logan where he is.
Y: do you know where your dad is
L: I thinks he's with Brooke
E: he's in her room

You walk in to Brooks room and see they are playing dress up and tea parties. You stand in the door frame and watch until Elia notices you.
E: mummy play tea party with us
Y: ok why not you say as you sit at the mini table in her room. You look over at Payton
Y: well aren't you a pretty princess you say looking at his tiara
P: the prettiest of them all he laughs

Your playing tea parties for a bit when Elia and Logan come in.
E: omg dad you look hilarious
P: i think pretty is the word your looking for
L: pretty hilarious, anyway can we go in the pool please
E: I wanna go in the pool
Y: fine go get changed

They go get changed. You get towels and sun lotion and take it outside. The kids and Payton have just got in the pool and you hear.
J: mum me and Bailey are going upstairs
Y: ok door open or you can join us in the pool
Ba: I wanna go in the pool

They change and get in the pool as well. Your siting by the side when you feel hands go around your waist and pick you up. Next thing you knew you were in the pool.
Y: Payton I didn't want to get my hair wet
P: even after all these years you haven't changed
Y: nor have you you say rolling your eyes playfully

You get back out and go inside to prepare dinner. You start cooking and Payton hugs you from behind.
P: what you cooking
Y: pasta salad
P: oooo yum
Y: your a child
P: no I'm a grown 28 year old man
Y: sure if that's what you want to believe you laugh
P: ok but who's the one who still watches Disney movies
Y: they're good movies

After a bit Bailey comes in saying she's going home. He helps you finish making dinner and you call all the kids inside. They all sit at the table and you hand them all a plate. While you eat you think about how perfect you family is. You go into the kitchen and Jordan helps with the dishes.
J: so mum let's talk favourites
Y: I don't have a favourite
E: that's rubbish we all know it's Jordan you spoil him
Y: I spoil all of you
L: dads favourite is Brooke
B: of course I am I'm the bestes
P: nope don't have favourites, Jordan is my little man, the twins are my monkeys and Brooke is my little princess
E: how about you mum
Y: I don't have a favourite now but the best behaved baby was Jordan, he barely ever cried and only pooped when it was your dads turn to change him
J: what can I say I'm a mummy's boy you all laugh

You all talk in the kitchen while you finish cleaning. The kids go off in their own Conversation while you and Payton talk.
P: look at our amazing family
Y: I wouldn't trade it for the world
P: your the best thing to ever happen to me
Y: and you the perfect thing I need in my life
P: and to think at one point we thought we were just old friends that would never see each other again
Y: and now we have the perfect family together you say looking at him and he pecks your lips
E: ewww get a room
J: you know what I just realised
L: what
J: summers ending
Y: well let's make the most of it
P: so we can have the perfect ending

Ok imma cry real quick, I love this story and don't want it to end but I don't do sequels. This is the first story I've written that I've actually liked. Go follow me on instagram @sunnypayt. Luv you bye💖 imma take some time to write my next story I'll post when it's out.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now