Part 21

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(Time skip to Christmas Eve)
You at Paytons like always. Your in the living room playing with his dogs. You look at the time and it's time for you to go home. He walks you to the door to say goodbye.
P: you coming round tomorrow
Y: i though you guys were coming round for dinner
P: oh idk I'll text you later when I find out
Y: ok

Payton gives you a kiss on the forehead and a hug before you go. You drive home, your mums in the kitchen so you go see what she doing.
Y: is payton coming over for dinner tomorrow
Y/m: yes the Moormeiers are coming over
Y: ok I was just wondering

You sit in the living room with Ethan and watch Christmas movies. You go upstairs FaceTime payton and tell him what your mum said. Your on FaceTime all night before you go to sleep.

You wake up Christmas morning, you go into your brothers room and wake him up like you do every year.
Y: wake up dumbass it Christmas
E: when will you stop this
Y: never no get up

You guys go downstairs, your mum is already up and making breakfast. Once she's done you eat then open presents. Your mum leaves the living room to go get something.
Y/m: theses are from your dad
She hands you plain tickets to Georgia.
Y: wait we're going home
Y/m: I'm February your going to visit for two weeks
E: do we have to go
Y/m: yes

You take all your presents to your room then help your mum with dinner. Payton and his family arrive at 1pm. You all go in the living room and swap presents. Faith and Joanne got you some earrings. You give Payton his presents and watch him open it.
P: thank you for the hoodies and sweats. I needed so more mine have disappeared
Y: wonder where they have gone, anyway I have one more thing for you
You go get his other present and hand him a smallish box. He opens it and sees the chain.
P: thank you I love it
Y: I knew you would
P: ok here's yours

He hands you an envelope. You hesitantly open it. You take whats inside, it takes you a minute but you realise it's plane tickets to bora bora.
Y: omg no way
P: I remember you said you always wanted to go so we're going for spring break
Y: this is the best thing I've ever gotten

You hug him and say thank you again. You go to your room and put the tickets in a safe space. Your chilling in your room when Payton comes in.
Y: thank you again, love you bubs
P: love you too princess
Y: guess what I realised
P: what
Y: it's our one month in 3days
P: I was thinking about that and I remember that I never actually took you on a date so that's what we're doing
Y: where we going
P: that's a surprise

You get called down for dinner. You sit at the table eat and have fun. After you, Payton, Faith and Ethan go into the basement and watch Christmas movies while your mums talk upstairs.
Faith is asleep and Ethan is in his phone. You and Payton aren't paying attention to the movie.
Y: lets go to my room

You get up and Payton follows you to your room. He sits on your bed while you go into your bathroom and get changed it one of his hoodies and some shorts. You come out put some music on and start dancing. Payton joins you. After a while you get tired and cuddle in bed and watch netflix.

(Time skip a few days later)
You haven't seen Payton in person since he went home after Christmas. He won't tell you anything about your date tonight. All he said is wear something warm but casual and he's picking you up at 5pm.

You have a shower then pick out your outfit. You do your make up and hair then get dressed.

You hear a car honk outside, you look out your window and see Payton's car

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You hear a car honk outside, you look out your window and see Payton's car. You say goodbye to your mum and leave. As you get in the you kiss Payton's cheek.
Y: so where are we going
P: you'll see

Your driving for 20 mins when you stop. You look around and see your at and ice rink.
Y: you didn't
P: all the date ideas you thought are you I remembered them
Y: this is so sweet

You go get ice skates and get on the ice. It's hard and first and almost fall a few times but you don't, Payton on the other hand falls a lot. It funny and you two laugh at him.

Your there for a few hours before you leave. You get back in Payton's car. As he's driving n you say.
Y: thank you for tonight it was amazing
P: it was no trouble
Y: payton we passed my house
P: I know, Ice skating was only the first half

Payton stops at his house. He tells you to wait in the living room so you do. You smell him cook ok food but you don't know what. After a while he comes to get you and takes you into the garde. There's a table with two chairs and a candle in the middle.
P: I know you don't like fancy restaurants so I made one at home
Y: awww payton it's perfect

You sit down and he brings out the food. He made pasta with a homemade sauce.
Y: omg Payton's this is so good
P: thank you, my grandma taught me how to make it
Y: well it amazing

Once your done he comes out with brownies and ice cream. You eat and talk for a little while before he takes you home. He walks you to your door.
Y: thank you for tonight it was amazing
P: you deserve to be taken on a date, I'm just happy you liked it
Y: liked it I moved it, anyway I gotta go love you bubs you say as you kiss his cheek
P: love you too princess
Ok not going to lie I thought that date was rlly cute. I love ice skating.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now