Part 6

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You wake up Sunday, have a shower and get dressed into this. Then have breakfast.

*without the hat*After you go to your room and chill

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*without the hat*
After you go to your room and chill. You watch a bit of Netflix then go on your phone. Your on tik tok and payton is on the fyp doing some fboy dance. You go to follow him and see he has 12million followers.

You tell your mum your going out then leave your house at 10:30, it only take 10 mins to get there. Payton texted you saying the door was open and to home straight in. He told you to wait downstairs. So you go wait in the living room. You hear someone come downstairs so you go see who it is.
A: oh hey y/n
Y/n: hey?
P: I'll see you later Avani
A: bye
Y/n: really payton, couldn't that have waited till later
P: it could have but it didn't sorry shortie
He says with a smirk. You just roll your eyes playfully.

You guys go into the kitchen and he gets you a drink and you ask.
Y/n: why didn't you tell me you have 12mill followers on tik tok
P: idk didn't want you to treat me differently
Y/n: why would I do that
P: that's what people usually do, also everyone else in our group is also kind famous
Y/n: really so I'm the only one who isn't
P: yeah

You guys are chilling in the living room watching tv when payton gets up and leaves. He goes outside and you follow him.
Y/n: watcha doing
P: came out to go on the trampoline it was getting boring in there
Y/n: you need to teach me a trick on that trampoline at some point
P: i can teach you other stuff at my mums gym
Y/n: yeah one day

You guys go on the trampoline for a bit but you get tiered so you watch payton do flips.
Y/n: I need to go to the mall wanna come
P: ok let's go

He drives you guys to the mall. You go in a few shops and get some stuff. He gets some t-shirts and jeans. You go to the food court and get some lunch when your hungry. Your walking around and pass a Victoria secret and remember you need new underwear.
Y/n: payt I'm going in wait here
P: hell no im definitely coming with
Y/n: oh god
P: what
Y/n: this isn't going to end well

Your inside looking at underwear and pick some up that you like. You lost Payton a few minutes ago, he comes over with his hands behind his back and he has a smile on his face.
Y/n: what are you hiding
P: something you would look good in

He holds up a black lace lingerie, your jaw drops ,partly from embarrassment, and Payton just starts laughing. You swat his arm and grab the lingerie and put it back. You pay for your things then he takes you home. You guys stay at yours.
Y/n: ik you have already told me but why do you still do stuff with Avani
P: Idk it's a way for me to forget about things or fuck a girl whenever I want to
Y/n: but that's not what you want and you know it you just won't admit. You don't want random hook ups with her
P: your right, any girl will do
Y/n: you know what I'm saying. You got hurt so you fuck Avani all the time and screw every girl over so it doesn't happen again. Even tho you don't want to do that
P: no I'm just used to it now and don't care about what I do anymore

A few hours later Payton goes home. You finish your homework and do other stuff you need for school. You watch tv and chill.

*Payton's pov*
I get home and don't do much. My mum and sister get home and my mum cooks diner. After I go to my room and I can't stop thinking about y/n and what she said earlier about Avani. I know she is partly right. The right thing to do is to end things, so I will and I call her.
A: hey bby
P: For the hundredth time, Im not your bby and I'm not doing this anymore
A: wdym you not doing this anymore
P: I'm not just going to hookup with you. The whole reason I'm a fuck boy is because of you.  You broke my heart by cheating on me with Jake and you didn't even care
A: seriously you can't blame me you didn't have to become a fuckboy. Remember your the one who wanted us to do this in the first place.
P: well now I don't so deal with it
A: it's fine I'll go fuck Jake again
P: Fuck you Avani

I hang up and bock her number. All the feelings I blocked out the past 2 yrs come flooding back. I fight back the tears that I should have let out years ago. Maybe if I did I wouldn't be who I am now. I sit there thinking what to do and only one thing comes to mind.
*end of pov*

Your in bed watching Netflix almost asleep. Car head lights flash through your window. You thought Ethan had gone out and was back. Then you hear a knock at your door. You go down and see Ethan asleep in the sofa. You open the door and you see...
Oh no a cliffhanger... who's at the door. I need to stop writing at early hours in the morning because it makes them rlly bad sorry.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now