Part 3

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You wake up and do what you do every morning. Your brother already left so you walk to school. When you get there you meet Jackson. You go to the office to get you locker number.
J: what number is it
Y/n: 114 do you know where that is
J: yeah that's next to mine and Payton's lockers
Y/n: ok cool

You walk to your locker and you see payton. He is with someone but you can't see who. The closer you get you realise he is making out with Avani. You walk up to them and tap him on the shoulder.
Y/n: that's my locker so can you make out somewhere else
P: ok shortie, see you in maths bye
Y/n: bye stoopid

You go straight to first lesson which is maths. Payton was already there so you go sit next to him.
P: can I copy some of the answers for the homework
Y/n: you gave me most of them anyway
P: ik but I didn't actually do it
Y/n: fine.
You go to the rest of your lessons like normal and don't do anything after school.

-time skip to Friday-
You are meeting the girls after school at the mall. The bell goes at the end of last lesson and you go to your locker. Payton's there putting something in his locker.
P: what you doing after school
Y/n: going to the mall with the girls why
P: just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout
Y/n: you can work out with me again
P: ok sure

You meet him in the gym. You work out and you guys had a good time. You took another pic in the mirror at the end because it was your progress picture. You take one every month. Once your done he takes you home. When your  home you get changed and your brother drops you off at the mall.
A: who was that
Y/n: who was who
N: they guy in the car
M: wat that your boyfriend
Y/n: what no thats my brother
A: he's hot
Y/n: ewww😂

You guys go in and look around some shops. You find some dresses and try them on. The you find this cute dress and you buy it. Once you're done you all wait outside to get picked up. You get a text from your brother saying can't pick you up. Your about to walk away when payton pulls up outside the mall.
A: here's my ride bye
Y/n: bye
P: y/n are you walking home
Y/n: yeah
P: I'll give you a lift
Y/n: I'm ok walking
P: c'mon your on the way home anyway
Y/n: fine
P: sit in the front, I'll drop you off first
A: but I always sit in the front
P: it's one time it's fine

You sit in the front and can see Avani is a little mad about it. On the way home you can feel Payton looking at you. You look back at him and he smiles at you. He drops you home and you chill.

*Paytons pov*
I drop y/n home and Avani gets in the front.
A: what was that about
P: what?
A: you and y/n. You don't smile at anyone
P: so what
A: I don't like you hanging out with her
P: she's my friend
A: you don't have girls that are just friends. You end up hooking up them
P: I didn't with Nessa and Mads
A: only because they are Josh and Jadens gf otherwise you would
P: shut up or walk home

She seems mad or jealous but I don't care she has no reason to be, it's not like I like y/n. She gets out and slams the car door. I get out and follow her in the house. Ik her parents aren't home yet.
P: never slam my car door. Why are you mad you have no reason to be we're not a thing anymore
A: sure
P: we're not your just my fuck buddy
A: you still like and care about me
P: I couldn't care less about you. Ik you told y/n to stay away. Don't do that.
A: why your just trying to get in her pants
P: you don't know that
A: we all know you are
P: stfu

I storm out and leave slamming the front door behind me. She's a bitch, why did I ever like her in the first place. I get home and text y/n. (Paytons in bold)
Hey shortie
Hi stoopid
Wanna a lift to the partly later (I changed it to Friday night)
Isn't it at your house
Yeah but I'll still pick you up plus you dk my address
Ok what time
I'll be there at 5:00 party starts at 6
*end of pov*
This ones a bit shorter than the others but the next one will be longer. There's a lot of mistakes as well.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now