Part 13

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Payton picks you up at 10am, you guys go to his. You guys cook pasta for lunch then go to his room and chill.
Y: where's you mum
P: at the gym why
Y: coz I wanted to talk to her. Why's she at the gym I thought she had Sunday's off
P: she does but she wanted to get some extra training before the competition next weekend
Y: how long are the gone for
P: all weekend which means we're having a party
Y: ofc you are
You say playfully rolling your eyes

When Joanne gets home you talk to her and you're going to be doing 1-1 tumbling/gymnastics lessons on Wednesdays after school. You stay at Payton's that night.

You wake up and go into the bathroom get dressed and to your hair.

You want something to make your outfit more interesting so you go into Payton's closet and find a baseball jersey

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You want something to make your outfit more interesting so you go into Payton's closet and find a baseball jersey. You put it on and leave it undone. Faith and Joanne are already at work, you make breakfast and Payton comes down.
P: is that my jersey
Y: yeah I didn't know you played
P: yeah I did for 8yrs but not anymore
(Fun fact payton did actually play baseball for 7/8 years when he was younger)
He gets ready then you guys go to school.

-time skip to Friday-
You go to they gym at your school with Payton before going back to yours and getting a bag ready. You're staying at Paytons all weekend. You order Panda Express and watch movies all night. Your in his room watching movies when he moves his head and puts it on your chest and his arm around your waist. You can tell he's tiered, you play with his hair as he's falling asleep.
You love playing with his hair because it's so fluffy, soft and silky. It's kinda long so sometimes you braid it as well. You stop when he looks asleep. You hear him mumble something but can't make out what it is.

*Payton's pov*
I lay my head in her chest knowing that she will play with my hair. I love it when she does, it's so relaxing. I feel my self falling asleep when she stops
P: don't stop
I mumble but she doesn't carry on. I sleepily lift my head. I can barely open my but I do and I look at her.
P: why'd you stop
Y: i thought you were asleep
P: I wasn't and I liked it
I put my head back where it was and she carried on until I was actually asleep. The best part was I fell asleep listening to her heart beat, I swear it's the most precious sound on earth.
*end of pov*

You wake up Saturday and get ready, you and Payton have IHOP for breakfast. You don't do much during the day. The party starts at 7pm so you start getting ready at 5:30pm. You have a shower get, dressed into this, do light makeup then curl your hair.

You put everything back in your bag the go downstairs and Payton is setting things up

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You put everything back in your bag the go downstairs and Payton is setting things up. You help then have 10 mins before people arrive.
P: want a drink
Y: sure, this time I'm not getting drunk
P: why not
Y: because last time I was a mess
There's a knock at the door and 2 girls are standing there. Payton introduces them. They are Riley and Eliza. They are old friend who he doesn't see often.

After a few hours the house is full like usual. Payton hasn't left your side all night. He drags you into the living room to play a game. You sit in a circle with some people. You sit next to Payton and on his other side is Riley. Your playing suck and blow.
The card comes around the circle, it gets passed to Riley. She 'accidentally' dropped the card. Before she kissed payton you could see the slight smirk on her face. They kissed but he didn't kiss her back.
Y: I'm going to get a drink
You say to payton before you get up and leave. You just want to get out of there before he has to kiss someone else. You don't see him for text few hours. Your in the kitchen getting a drink when someone comes behind you and put his hand on your lower back. You turn to see who it is and you don't recognise them.
??: let me make you a drink
Y: no I don't even know who you are
??: ok I'm Callum, what you drinking
Y: none of your concern now get off me
C: you don't really want that do you
Y: yes i do

You go to move away but he pulls you in closer and goes to kiss you. You try to move but he doesn't let you. You say to get off you again but louder.
P: Callum get off her
He gets off you and you go stand next to Payton
C: c'mon I was only having some fun
P: clearly she didn't thing they same
C: why are you being so defensive
P: I'm not
C: wait let me guess...she's the next hoe your gunna fuck
You can see payton get angry. He clenches his first next to him and gets closer to Callum.
P: your gunna regret that
C: oh really
P: yeah

Payton punches Callum and they start to fight. You try to get them to stop but they don't. Josh eventually stops the fight and Jackson gets people to go home. You get payton and take him to the bathroom, he has a cut on his eyebrow and his lip. You clean up his cuts.
P: I'm sorry that he did that to you. You shouldn't be treated like that
Y: it's not you fault
P: yes it is. He's always like that and I should have known better than to let him come
Y: it's fine but why fight
P: idk I couldn't control it
Y: next time don't fight just walk away
P: there won't be a next time I'm never letting like that happen to you again

You go to clean his eyebrow but he takes you hand and holds it. He looks you in the eyes. He leans in and kisses you and you kiss him back.
Y: wait
P: what
Y: we can't keep on kissing Payton, it messes with me. Ik you said you like me but-
P: but nothing 
Y: but your just going to just go kiss someone else tomorrow and I'll still be just your friend
P: then don't be my friend
Y: what are you talking about
P: be mine
Oops cliffhanger sorry not sorry. This one is long. Comment and vote for more. I actually like this one for once.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now