Part 23

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Y/d: your dad S- Sarah (dad wife)
You leave for Georgia in a few hours. Your packing the last few things, when Payton walks into your room.
P: need any help
Y: no I'm good, i don't wanna go
P: you'll be fine and you'll be back before you know it

You cuddle in bed until you have to go to the airport. Payton and your mum come with you to your gate.
'Flight 89 now boarding flight 89 no boarding'
Y: that's us, I'm going to miss you
Y/m: I'm gout to miss you too and behave for him and Sarah and you Ethan
Y: fine if I have to
E: I will
You hug your mum good bye before going to payton and giving him a hug.
P: I'm going to miss you so much
Y: don't let me go
P: you have to go see him

You let go of the hug and wave goodbye as you walk away. The flight wasn't bad and you slept for most of it. When you lad you go through security and baggage claim and look for your dad.
Y/d: hey kiddos ready to go
Y: yeah

You leave and you notice your not going the right way to his house.
Y: where are we going
Y/d: home
Y: but this ain't the right way
Y/d: you'll see

You pull up outside a house and your dad unlocks the door and walks in. He takes you to your new room.
Y/d: we can go out tomorrow and get stuff to decorate and I still have the stuff from the old house
Y: ok

Sarah is in the living room. She stands up and you notice she has a bump.
Y/d: so we have some news
Y: she's pregnant
S: yeah aren't you excited you going to have a little brother or sister
E: wow congratulations
Y: so that's why we're here
Y/d: yeah and I wanted to see you

Seeing Sarah pregnant mad you kind angry and upset. You grab your dads car keys and leave. You drive to Rubys house. You knock on the door and she opens it.
Ru: Omg y/n your back
She pulls you into a hug and you start crying. She takes you to her room and she asks what's wrong.
Y: she's pregnant
Ru: is t that a good thing
Y: no, first he cheats on mum with her. Then replaces her by marrying Sarah and now he's having a replacement family.
Ru: I'm sure he's not replacing you guys he wouldn't do that
Y: he did with mum
Ru: you e always wanted a younger sibling
Y: I want mum to have a child so I can live with it and actually be apart of its life

You sit and talk for a while and she makes you better. After a while you get a call from Payton. You ignore it so he texts you. Payton in bold
Ethan told me what happened I'm here if you wanna talk love you princess xx
Thank you I'll call you later love you too bubs xx

You go back to your dads and ignore everyone and go to your room. After a while your dad comes up.
Y/d: I know you don't like Sarah and I understand that but please be happy for us we've been trying for a while
Y: how am I supposed to be happy when your replacing us. First mum now is
Y/d: i never replaced anyone. Me and your mum fell out of love and I could never replace you. Don't tell Ethan but your my favourite
Y: I know I am, I'm sorry for getting angry
Y/d: it's ok sweetheart

You decide to call Payton and tell him what happened he made you feel a lot better and made you laughing.
Y: I miss you
P: I miss you too can't wait time see you again
Y: same. Well I gotta go have dinner talk to you later love you
P: love you too
You have dinner then get ready for bed.

You wake up the next morning and get ready. You go shopping with your dad and get a bunch of things to decorate your room. You make it as close to you room back home as possible. You dad goes out for a bit and Ethan is seeing out his old friends. You decide to talk to Sarah.
Y: Sarah I'm sorry about yesterday
S: it's ok i know you hate me because if everything with your dad so I don't blame you
Y: I don't hate you your just not my favourite person 'you half laugh' I'm happy for you and dad and I'm excited to get a younger sibling
S: well I'm excited to

You talk some more and have a good time. She's actually really nice to you. You help her make dinner so it's ready when the guys get back home. After dinner you go FaceTime the group chat.
Ev: we miss you
Y: I miss you guys to. I'll be home soon
J: you better be
M: Yh I need my mall buddie back
Ja: I need my brother back
N: I need my insta twin back
Jo: I need my tik tok buddie back
P: I need my girlfriend, my movie partner, cuddle buddie and favourite person back
Y: ok payton wins sorry guys but that cute

You say in FaceTime for a few hours. You watch Netflix and go to bed.
Does anyone actual read these or not. So I went to bed last night with 2.45k reads and I woke up this morning with 3.10k reads. Thank you everyone.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now