Part 27

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You stopped crying half an hour ago and have just been sat in silence. Your eyes are red and puffy. Ruby comes back into her bedroom with some water
Ru: here drink this
Y: thank you
Ru: it's time for dinner are you coming
Y: yeah give a minute

You go to the bathroom and splash some water in your face before leaving. You go to the dining hall and the girls are waiting outside. They all give you a hug and tell you it will be ok and it was until you walked in and say him. He looked at you with red puffy eyes.
Y: I can't do this you say as you leave

You go back to Ruby's she comes back not to long after you with a plate of food for you. You end up watching Netflix and falling asleep in the sofa.

The next morning you get up, put some sweats on and a crop top. You continue to watch Netflix until ruby comes out of the bedroom.
Ru: are you coming to breakfast or do you want me to get something for you
Y: I'll come with you

You put your hair in a messy bun because you couldn't be bothered to brush it. You go to the dining hall and everyone else was already in there. You get your food and go to the table where everyone else is. You sit as far away from Payton as you can.

After breakfast you go back to Ruby's hut and chill. You get bored so you decide to go in the pool that's in the hut. Your sit in there for a bit when there's a knock at the door. You go open it and as soon as you see Payton you shut it again. You get back in the pool and you hear footsteps behind you.
Y: did I say you could come in
P: please talk to me let me explain
Y: you had moths to talk and explain
P: I knew telling you would mean I lose you and I can't. I can't lose you
Y: if you told me sooner it would have been easier for me to forgive you but knowing you've been lying to me I don't believe what you say
P: please believe me when I say she kissed me, I didn't kiss back and I pushed her off me straight away
Y: I want to believe you but I can't. Please give me sometime
P: ok but y/n I love you he says before leaving

You get out the pool and after a while you text Ruby asking where they are and she said the beach. You leave her hut and go back to the beach. You quickly find the girls and sit with them.
M: how are you
Y: I don't know. I want to believe what he says but he's lied to me for months so how am I supposed to
N: we saw how he was after everything yesterday. Trust me he wouldn't lie to you now
Ru: even I can tell how much he loves and needs you
Y: He knows how much trust means to me and he ignored that but-
N: -but you still love him
Y: yeah

You talk some more and the boys come over and you all hang out. Payton doesn't talk the entire time. Everyone decides to go to their hut and you decide to go to yours. Payton's there but he leaves you alone. You decide to go talk to him.
Y: I believe you
P: what
Y: I believe that she kissed you and everything else you said but you still lied
P: I'm sorry I lied I was to worried of loosing you. I don't want to loose you
Y: I don't want to loose you either but I don't know if I can trust you again
He just looks down at the ground sad before saying
P: it's ok I don't blame you. Then he leaves.

It's been hours since he left and you have no clue where he is. You've texted everyone and he's not with them. You've texted and called him but he won't answer. Your getting worried so you leave your hut to go look for him. You walk around for a bit and see him sitting on the sand looking out at the ocean. You go over and looked at him and he has glossy eyes likes he's going to cry.
Y: you coming back you've been gone ages
P: I'm sorry I fucked up again. I'm sorry I keep on hurting you
Y: Payton it's ok you don't need to say sorry
P: is it really ok though
Y: yes it is payton
P: why, why is it ok
Y: because....
P: because what
Y: because I still love you ok and us not being ok is breaking my heart

He just looks at you shocked, he doesn't say anything. You just walk away and you feel someone grab you arm. You turn and see Payton.
P: I still love you and I promise I will never stop. I'm so sorry for everything I've done but please can we go back to normal
Y: I forgive you but I can't trust you the same
P: that's ok just give it time and hopefully you will

He takes your hand and you walk back to the huts. You go back to Ruby's hut and start packing.
Ru: so your going back
Y: yeah I forgave him. It wasn't his fault she kissed him and he pushed her away
Ru: I told you it would be ok
Y: thank you for the past 2 days
Ru: of course anything for you

You get your things and go back to your hut. You get your pyjamas on and get ready for bed. You get in bed next to Payton, as your falling asleep you feel him cuddle you.
This is definitely not the end yet. What should they do while on holiday? Thank you for 6k reads. Also I'm back at school so I will update less.

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