Part 38

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It's a month later and your stomach has gotten bigger and your 4 months pregnant. Today is Payton's birthday. You have a doctors appointment today. You call Payton once he's up.
Y: hey I have an appointment today then I'll come over
P: no I want to come to the appointment
Y: I'm already running late can you just miss this one
P: but I don't want to miss anything
Y: you won't it's just to make sure that the baby's healthy and is growing at the right rate
P: are you sure
Y: yes now I have to leave love you bye
P: love you too bye

You leave and go to the hospital. It's the same as always. You pull your trousers down to your hip and the nurse puts the gel on your stomach and you can see the baby on the screen.
N: well it looks like nothing is wrong and you have a very healthy baby
Y: that's good
N: do you know the gender yet
Y: yeah we found out last time
N: would like a sonogram
Y: yes please
N: ok I'll be right back

You get cleaned up and wait for the nurse to come back and she gives you two sonograms. You drive to Payton's and go in.
Y: Payton
P: in the living room

You walk into the living room and hand him a box. He opens it to revival a watch.
P: thank you I love it
Y: I also got you this you say gaming him a sonogram
P: is this from today
Y: yeah usually we get one and I keep it but I thought that because it's the one on your birthday you should keep it
P: thank you I love it he says giving you a hug
Y: finally were both 18 and actual adults

You go to his room and he puts the stuff away. You lay in bed and watch tv.
P: how did the appointment go
Y: perfectly fine, the baby's healthy
P: I can't wait to have my baby —- (you really thought I was going to let you know the gender umm no)
Y: same, i get more excited every day, still nervous though
P: so am I but we will get through it together
You stay at his all day the go to yours that night and he stays at yours.

(Time skip a month - 5 months prego)
Your in your room looking at stuff in your laptop when Payton comes in. He sits next to you and puts the tv on. He looks at your laptop
P: why are you looking apartments
Y: because I was thinking, there's no space in my room for a baby. There is t much space around the house so I want to move out
P: won't that be a big change
Y: yeah but if I look now hopefully it will be ready once the baby is born
P: I think that's an amazing idea, where have you found
Y: there's some really nice ones down the road and I'm going for a tour tomorrow. I was going to tell you if I liked it
P: that's fine, let me see it

You show him the pictures on the website. You look at some other ones in close areas because you don't want to move two far.
Y: look at this one
P: wouldn't that be out of your price range
Y: yeah but my dad said anything I can't afford myself he would give me extra money for and my mums chipping in
P: oh ok, I love that one when can we view that one
Y: at the weekend, and it's the one closest

You continue to look before you get back to doing school work and Payton watches tv. When your done you watch tv with him.
Y: I'm bored
P: wanna go for a drive
Y: sure why not
P: ok let's go
Y: hold on

You walk into your closet and find the biggest hoodie you own. You put it on and walk out.
P: why the hoodie
Y: I don't look that pregnant in this. People are judgy
P: ok fair enough

You get in his car and drive around. You blast music and sing at the top of your lungs. You turn the music down.
P: what was that for
Y: I just wanted to say I want to go to target
P: ok let's go then he says turning the music up.

He drives to target. You go in and look around the shop. Your pushing the car around when you turn in the opposite direction.
P: where are you going
Y: I'm getting orange juice
P: surprised it isn't pretzels
Y: oooo and them

You get them and some other stuff before checking out. You get back in that and start driving. You end up at the park. There are some hill behind it and you go sit in them. You look up at the stars.
Y: I love looking at the stars m, their beautiful
P: just like you
Y: how much do you think this will change our lives
P: a lot but in a good way. It will be tough but I know we can do it
Y: one thing that won't change is how much I love you
P: I will love you endlessly

You stay there for a bit before going back home. You walk in and go to the living room and Ethan comes storming in.
E: where the hell have you been
Y: I got bored and went out
E: you can't be going out this late it's not safe
Y: I was with Payton I'm fine. You need to stop worrying
E: how can i your carrying a human in you
Y: exactly I have grow up and worry for my self
E: I will always worry about you he says going upstairs

You go upstairs and you and Payton get in bed and fall asleep
Get ready for the next one. I'm only posting once today and two tomorrow. Thank you for 14k💕

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