Part 22

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It's New Year's Eve, Payton is at yours and your getting ready for a party. You have a shower do your make up and straighten your hair. You then get dressed.

You walk out of the bathroom and Payton looks you up and down

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You walk out of the bathroom and Payton looks you up and down. You walk over and sit next him on the bed.

When it's time to leave you say bye to your mum. You and Payton walk to Jacksons because it's not that far and you'll probably be drinking. As your walking up the driveway payton says
P: you look amazing tonight
Y: thank you, you look wonderful tonight bubs
P: thank you princess

You go into the house and find the girl while Payton finds the boys. After a few hours you all find each other and chill in the garden.
J: i miss Ruby
Y: so do i
P: well I was thinking we all go Bora Bora as a group and she can come
Y: that's the best idea ever
P: I know I'm amazing

(Time skip a few hours)
A few part games and a lot of drinks later and your pretty much drunk. You go into the living room to find Payton. He's sitting on the couch and you go sit in his lap.
Y: you know I love you bubs
P: are your drunk
Y: yeah, I'm sorry
P: it's fine, let's get you upstairs to sober up
Y: ok

You put your arms around his neck and he carries you bridal style. He puts you in the spare room. He gets you in bed then get you a glass of water. He goes to leave
Y: will you say and cuddle
P: of course princess

*Payton's POV*
Y/n fell asleep in my arms. I carefully move her so I can leave. I go back downstairs and chill with the boys. I go into the kitchen when Riley comes up to me.
R: I want to say I'm sorry how I acted at the social event
P: it's fine I guess but nothing will ever happen between us you know that right
R: I know

My and Riley end up talking for a few hours. I notice she keeps on touching my arm and she's getting closer. I don't think anything of it until she leans in. I dot lean away quick enough and our lips connect. I don't kiss back and push her off straight away.
P: what the fuck Riley what happened to I'm sorry about what I did
R: I'm sorry I ant thinking
P: clearly your not sorry

I walk away and go upstairs. I check on y/n and she still asleep. I sit next to her and wait for her to wake up.
Y: where's my drink my head hurts
P: here I'll go get pain killers
*end of POV*

*Rileys pov*
I apologize to payton for what I did and of course I didn't mean it. In stead I have a new plan and this one worked. After I kissed him and he pushed me away I walked over to Eliza
R: did you get it
E: yep look she says handing me the phone
R: perfect

Now all I need to do is send this to y/n at the right time to cause an argument.
*end of POV*

Payton hand you some painkillers. They help your headache a little. You guys go back down 20 minutes to midnight. You, Payton, Jackson, Jaden, Mads, Nessa and josh all go in the living room a few minutes before midnight. The countdown is on the tv and you count down with it.
J: 3...
P: 2...
Y: 1...

Payton pulls you by the waist and kisses you and you kiss him back. You guys decide to stay at the part for a few more hours before going home.

When you get in your mums in bed but Ethan is awake. You get changed into some shorts and a hoodie. You go downstairs to get some drinks for you and Payton.
E: how was the party
Y: it was good how was it here
E: boring
Y: should have come to the party you say leaving.

You go back upstairs put Disney+ on and cuddle up to payton as you fall asleep.

(Time skip)
It's a few weeks later and it's getting closer for you to leave. You still haven't told Payton. The thing is when your away overlaps Valentine's Day. You call him up and tell him to come round. He comes straight to your room.
P: hey bubs everything ok
Y: um yeah...Payton I need to talk to you
P: is everything ok, your not pregnant are you
Y: that is literally impossible so no
P: so what is it
Y: I'm going home to see my dad for 2 weeks
P: oh that's not that bad
Y: but I won't be here for Valentine's Day
P: what that's unfair can't you go another time
Y: apparently not

You sit and talk about what your going to do. You decided to just have Valentine's Day when you back. Payton goes home a few hours later.

*Paytons pov*
I don't want to miss Valentine's Day just because y/n isn't here. I get home and not surprisingly y/n mum is here.
P: hey y/m can I talk to you
Y/m: sure
P: so y/n isn't her for Valentine's Day and I was thinking I could surprise her when she's at her dads
Y/m: that sounds wonderful I'll call her dad and see what I can do
P: ok thank you

A few hours later y/m calls me and says it's ok for me to go surprise her. I book the plane tickets and get everything I need ready.
*end of pov*
I had no idea what to do for this one so this is kinda just a filler. OMG I HAVE 2K READS. HOW?

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now