Part 26

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You wake up to the smell of waffles. You got to the kitchen and see payton making breakfast. Once you've finished eating you go get ready. You put this bikini on with shorts and an oversized top over it. *this bikini*

Today your spending the day at the beach

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Today your spending the day at the beach. You meet everyone there. You get some sun loungers, you and the girls tan while the boys go in the ocean.

A little bit later you feel water dripping on you. You open your eyes and see payton standing over you with a smirk on his face. He picks you up runs to the ocean and drops you in. You come up to the service and give him a death stare.
Y: omg your so dead
P: come get me then
He says as he runs off and you chas after him.

You chase after him for a bit but go back to the sun loungers. He runs back over to you and sits next to you.
Y: you owe me an ice cream now
P: ok what would you like
Y: strawberry please
P: ok I'll be right back

Payton has been gone for a bit, you look around and see him in line talking to a girl. She's twirling her hair then puts her hand on his arm in the flirty way. You get up and walk over to him smiling.
Y: bubs I changed my mine can I have vanilla now
P: of course
Girl: who's this
P: oh this is my girlfriend y/n
Girl: hi well it was nice meeting you
She says as she walks away and your smile disappeares
P: whats up
Y: I don't like her she was flirting with you
P: she's didn't know I was in a relationship. Wait are you jealouse
Y: no you say going red
P: yes you totally are

You get your ice cream and go back to everyone. You chilling on the sun loungers when the random number texts you again and they say
Enjoy the fun while it lasts
You have no clue what that's supposed to mean so you ignore it again.

A few hours later you go to the dining hall for lunch. They have a buffet type of thing. You all get a plate and some food then go sit down. You feel your phone vibrate in your pocket but don't check it. When your done eating you go back to the beach.
Jo: lets all make tik toks
Ev: ok

You all make tik toks together and have a good time. Your all messing about for a while
Ru: what time are we going swimming with pigs
N: at 2pm wait what's the time
You pick up your phone and say
Y: 12:38

You see that the number had texted you again except it was a picture this time. You open it and see a picture of Payton and Riley kissing. Your shocked, you can see by the decorations it's from the New Years party. You walk over to him and show him the photo.
Y: whats this
P: i can explain
Y: oh you can, so why didn't you tell me already
P: because it meant nothing
Y: that doesn't mean anything you still kissed

You say walking away almost crying. The closer to your hut you get the faster you get until your running. The thought of Payton cheating on you at the party repeating in your head. When you get in you go straight to the bedroom. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door.
P: y/n open the door
Y: no go away
P: please let me explain *you open the door* it's not wha-
Y: - you had 3 months to tell and explain to me your times run out now
P: wait what are you doing
Y: packing I'm staying with Ruby
P: just listen to me
Y: I can't ven look at you right now let alone listen to you

You say as you walk always and go to Rubys hut where she's waiting for you. As soon as you get through the door. You burst out crying, she holds you and comforts you.

*Paytons pov*
I've really fucked up this time. It took her ages to be comfortable enough to be in a relationship and I've messed it all up. I should have just told her. I decide to call Riley.
R: hey how are you
P: shit thanks to you. Why would you do that, first your a bitch, then you kiss me then you send a photo of that to y/n
R: look I'm doing what's best for you because I care for you
P: whats best for me that's such bullshit. If you cared for me. You would have realised that for the first time in ages I was actually happy. She is whats best for me
R: no she's not you can do so much better
P: I don't want better I want her. Shes perfect to me and thanks to you she hates me and is probably going to break up with me
R: you don't need her
P: you don't know what I need. Just get out of my life and never speak to me again. I say as I hang up

I sit in the bedroom and try not to cry. Jackson walks in and sits next to me.
P: how is she
J: want the truth
P: yeah
J: a mess she just keeps on crying
This breaks me and I start to cry knowing what I did to her. Again.
P: Jackson I love her, I need her and she hates me. I cry
J: she doesn't hate you she's just upset wait until tomorrow
P: she said she can't even look at me
J: she will come around
He gets up and leaves and I cry even more and even harder.
Should this be the end or should they work it out.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now