Part 20

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(Time skip a week)
Ruby is going home in a few days so you decide to take her out for the day. You drive to the coast and spend the day at the beach.
Ru: thank you for today it was amazing
Y: I missed spending time like this with you
Ru: I'm going to miss you when I go home
Y: I'm going to miss you too

You go back home and watch movies all night. You make brownies as well, they tasted really good.

(Time skip)
Ruby goes home tomorrow so everyone has a sleep over at yours. You watch movies in the basement with snacks and popcorn.
N: I'm bored of movies now
Y: well what do you want to do
P: dance party in the kitchen while making cookies
M: brownies
N: cupcakes
Y: I say brownies because they are the easiest

You all go to the kitchen. It's not that late only 11pm. You get the brownie mix out and get everything you need. You put music on and dance. You have fun.
When the brownies are done you have some then go back and watch Disney+. Everyone falls asleep and you and Payton are the only ones awake.
Y: psst
P: yeah
Y: I'm bored
P: same her
Y: follow me

You get up and go upstairs to your room. You sit at the bay window in your room and look out the window at the stars. Payton sits opposite you and looks at them as well. You look over at him and notice he was staring at you.
P: you look so beautiful princess
Y: and you look cute bubs

You move close and lay your head on his chest and sit in between his legs. You look up at him and he kisses you and you kiss him back.  Then  put your head back on his chest.
P: baby are you tiered
You nod your head. He picks you up and carries you to bed. You cuddle up to him and fall asleep.

You wake up the next morning laying on your stomach, Payton has his head on your back and his arms are around your waist. (I hope that makes sense). You get ready for the day then go to the basement and wake everyone up. You have breakfast and then everyone but Jackson leaves.
Y: I'm going to miss you
Ru: I'm going to miss you too
P: you've said that a million times now
Y: well I'm going to miss my friend leave me alone

Ruby packs her bags and you take her to the airport. Yo drop her off and go to her gate with her. They announce her plane is ready to bored so you say good bye.
P: hope you had a good time here. I guess I'll see you agin at some point
Ru: i did and I'll see you again
J: I'm going to miss you
Ru: don't worry I'll text you everyday
J: you better
Y: I'm going to miss you so much. I don't want you to leave you say almost crying
Ru: don't cry I'm going to miss you more. Don't worry I'll be back soon enough
Ev: bye you say waving as she walks away

You take Jackson home and go back to Payton's house. You and Payton goes to his room. He's at his desk and your laying in bed.
P: are you ok
Y: mhm
P: no your not what's wrong he says as  he walks over and sits on the bed
Y: I'm fine
P: your definitely not ok. Baby talk to me
Y: I miss Ruby and I mis back home. I miss everyone and everything there. All the memories it like their just gone. You say starting to cry
P: it's ok to miss home, I understand you have memories and friends that but here you have me and everyone else and think of all the new memories you will make
P: come with me I know what will make you feel better

He takes your hand and pulls you out of his house. You get in his car, as he drives he has his hand on your thigh. You stop at this small ice cream shop, he goes in and get some ice cream. Then he goes to a field, there's a hill type thing and you go sit there. You eat your ice cream and watch the sun set.
Y: thank you for this it's made me feel a lot better
P: anything for my princess
Y: I love you bubs
P: I love you too babygirl

You go back to his and chill all night. You stay at his. Your up all night talking, you look outside and see the sun is rising.
P: come with me
Y: where we going

He goes and opens his window and climbs out. He holds his hand out and helps you onto the roof. You sit there and watch the sunrise. You rest your head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around you. After you go back in and go to sleep.

Your woken up to your phone ringing. You find it and turn it off but it rings again. You answer it this time.
N: where are you you were supposed to meet me and Mads at the mall
Y: sorry I forgot I did go to sleep until this morning
N: it's fine are you still coming
Y: yeah just give me some time I'll be there

You get up and ready. You wake payton up and he drives you to the mall.
P: call me when you need picking up
Y: will do

He gives you a kiss on the cheek before you get out. You find Nessa and Mads. You look around the mall for presents for the boys. You find a really nice chain for payton and some sweats and hoodies. You call him and he picks you up.
P: what you got
Y: your Christmas present and no you can't see them.
He takes you home and you wrap his presents.
I'm kind of running out of ideas now

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now