Part 28

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You wake up in Payton's arms. You just lay there and go on your phone for a while waiting for him to wake up.
P: good morning princess
Y: morning bubs, imma get ready
You say as you walk into the bathroom.

You have a shower and get dressed. You wear an oversized top and shorts. You meet everyone at the dining hall for breakfast.
J: so you two ok again
Y&P: yeah
M: good I hated seeing you apart
N: yeah your endgame
Y: thanks guys

You finish breakfast and everyone comes back to your hut for a few hours before going zip lining. You leave yours and get an uber and arrive 10am. You follow the instructor and put harness on before going up to the line. Josh, Nessa, Mads and Jaden go before you. It's gets to your turn and go they rlly nervous.
P: Are you ok
Y: I'm really nervous
P: you'll be ok everyone is waiting for you
Y: what if something goes wrong
P: nothing will go wrong and I'll be right behind you, are you ready
Y: yeah
P: on the count of three
P: 1...2...3

On three he let you go and you flew to the other side. You was fine and it wasn't scary and a few minutes later payton got there as well. Ruby and Jackson were the last  ones.

When you get back to the resort it's lunch time. You go to Ruby's hut and order some lunch. After you've eaten you all go to the pool on the resort. The girls tan while the b out messed about.
Jo: you should come in the pool
M: no it's cold
J: actually it's r really nice
Y: maybe later

After a bit the boys get out and come and chill at the sun loungers with you.
Y: can you put sun lotion on my back please
P: of course, I was thinking later I could take you out
Y: sure, where
P: just somewhere, nothing fancy don't worry
Y: ok sounds fun

(Time skip)
You and the girls are getting you ready in your hut and the bouts are in Jadens. Nessa does your make up, Mads loosely curls your hair and Ruby helps picks out your outfit. You wear.

Once your ready ready you go to Jadens hut and Payton is wearing

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Once your ready ready you go to Jadens hut and Payton is wearing.

Once your ready ready you go to Jadens hut and Payton is wearing

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He takes your hand and you guys leave. He walks you to this cute field. You walk a bit more and see this.

There's food on the blanket with some pillows

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There's food on the blanket with some pillows. You guys sit down.
Y: omg Payt this is amazing
P: just like you, I got some food from the restaurant across the road. I got you your favorite he says handing you your food
Y: thank you

You eat and talk. Once your done eating you sit and watch the sun set. After you lay on the blanket looking at the stars.
Y; thank you for tonight
P: I felt like I had to show you I do care and love you after everything
Y: I know you love me. I love you too
P: we should get back

You help Payton pack everything up and carry it back to the huts. The girls come over and you tell them everything.
M: that's so cute
N: I want Josh to do that
Ru: I wish I had something like you guys
Y: what about you and Jackson
Ru: still not together
N: one day trust me

You decide to have a girls night. They go back and get comfy clothes on while you get snacks and popcorn. They come back and you watch movies. While the boys are at Joshes hut. The girls eventually leave and Payton comes back. You guys get in bed and cuddle.
Y: that's you again for tonight love you bubs
P: it's ok love you too princess
He says kissing your forehead.

You wake up the next morning get dressed and meet everyone for breakfast. Once you've eaten you go back to the pool. You have your legs duped in the pool when Jackson swims up to you.
J: y/n can i ask you something
Y: yeah sure
J: whats the best way to ask a girl out
Y: I mean it depends on who your asking
J: ok whats the best way to ask Ruby out
Y: wait seriously you to ask her out
J: yes I just don't want to mess it up
Y: ok I'll help you

You and Jackson plan on what he's going to do.  You stay at the pool all day. The girls get in the pool with the boys at one point. Your on a sun bed when Ruby comes running up to you.
Y: what happened
Ru: Jackson just asked me out on a date
Y: lets get the girls and get you ready

You and the girls go back to Ruby's hut and get her ready. You pick her outfit, Nessa does her hair and Mads does her hair. Once she's ready she goes meets Jackson and you say to the girls.
Y: Jackson's asking her out
M: no way
Y: yeah we planned it earlier, he wants it o be perfect
N: that's so sweet

Ruby and Jackson are gone for a few hours. When she gets back all the girls come to your hut. You go into the bedroom and talk.
M: so what happened
Ru: he took me to an Italian restaurant which is my favourite and on the way back he took me to the beach to watch the sun set
N: that's so cute
Y: then what
Ru: he asked me out
M: omg no way
Y: finally

You say and talks a bit more before the girls went back to their own huts. You and Payton get ready for bed and fall asleep watching Netflix while cuddling. 
It's about to get interesting soon. Oh and I don't think I mentioned this but everyone is 17 turning 18 at this point. Also thank you for 7k.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now