Part 33

989 36 15

(Time skip)
It's a week later and love letter is coming out in a few days. Every morning when you wake up you either feel sick or are sick. You don't do much during the day just catch up on school work.
Later that night you FaceTime Ruby and tell her what's been going on.
Ru: so your still not better it's almost been a month
Y: I was fine for the last 2 weeks but I'm ill again and I don't know why
Ru: I don't think your ill
Y: what do you mean
Ru: think about it. You've been ill since we came back from holiday, you keep on wanting food you don't usually eat or you don't like and your sick most mornings or you feel sick. I think it's more than being ill
Y: wait you think I'm pregnant. No way I can't be, it's impossible
Ru: is it really impossible though, I mean it has to be a possibility at least
You think about what she said for a bit before saying.
Y: omg I might be, I haven't had my period since I came back. Ruby what do I do
Ru: you have to take a test
Y: I don't wanna tell Payton, not yet
Ru: that's understandable

You talk more about what to do. You decide to go to one of your friends you trust the most. You get in the car and drive to Jacksons house. You knock on the door and he answer.
J: y/n what are you doing here it's 10pm
Y: I have a problem and I need your help

He lets you in and you tell him everything that's been happening since the holiday. He's a little surprised at first.
J: so you don't know for sure
Y: no and I don't want to worry Payton in case I'm not
J: ok well tomorrow we are going to target and your taking a test then if you are you need to tell him
Y: what if I am and he leaves me or doesn't want to keep it you say starting to panic
J: c'mon we both know that wouldn't happen. He would stay with you and help you through everything. He loves you y/n he would do anything for you.
Y: your right, Jackson don't tell anyone please
J: I won't I promise

You talk some more before you go back home. You try not to think about it or worry too much. You get ready for bed and fall asleep watching tv.

You wake up early the next morning and rush to the bathroom and your sick. Once your done you have a shower and get dressed. You text Jackson when your ready. You go downstairs and get something to eat.
Y/m: Good morning are you ok I though I heard something coming from your bathroom this morning
Y: Morning yeah I'm good, I'm going out for the day
Y/n: ok where you going
Y: just to Jackson's I'll be back later
Y/m: ok have fun

Jackson texts you when he's outside. You say bye to your mum and get in his car. He drives you to target and parks close to the store.
Y: wait here, is there anything you need
J: why can't I come
Y: because people are quick to judge and asume things so it's better if you stay
J: ok could you get me a drink
Y: sure is that it
J: yeah

You go inside, you get a pregnancy test, a drink for you and Jackson and some more pretzels and doughnuts. You pay for your things then leave. Jackson takes you back to his. You chill and play video game for a few hours.
J: it's lunch are you hungry
Y: yeah
J: what do you want
Y: I don't know
J: we could go get chick fil a
Y: na I have that too much
J: in and out
Y: not in the mood
J: chipotle
Y: not in the mood for a burrito, you know what surprise me

You and Jackson leave and he takes you to Taco Bell. You get your food, go back to his house and eat. You keep on putting off taking the test.
J: y/n you have to do it at some point, just get it over and done with
Y: why, I don't want to
J; you have to
Y: ok I guess it's time to take the test
J: it will be ok
Y: I'm really nervous
J: you will be fine
You go to the bathroom and do what the box says to do.
Y: now we wait three minutes

It's feels like the longest three minutes of your life, you keep on pacing around the room while your waiting.
J: stop pacing and try to calm down
Y: I can't calm down it's too nerve racking
J: if it is positive how you going to tell him
Y: I don't know probably just show him the test and tell him straight up
J: how far do you think you would be
Y: I don't know a few weeks maybe a month

The time is finally up and you get the test. You sit next to Jackson on the edge of the bed and hold it in your hands before looking.
J: you will be fine no matter what
Y: it's scary, so much could go wrong
J: no matter what happens with everyone else I'm here for you and I'm sure everyone else will be too
Y: thank you
J: well what does it say
Y: it's a plus...I'm pregnant
Ok but did you see that coming.

Old friends, new beginnings - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now