High On The Music

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DJ's P.O.V:


We fuckin' made it! We're on our second world tour! Hell yeah, I am pumped up with adrenaline right now because I've been waiting for this day to come and we're finally here! This is gonna be bad ass.

~ ~ ~

Our first show kicked ass! There was such a huge crowd and they were so loud and enthusiastic. James was like a rock god up on that stage. It's crazy that he didn't plan to be a performer in the first place and just wanted to be behind the scenes, because he belongs on stage. It all comes so naturally to him.

Nikki just has to appear for fans to go nuts. He's iconic. He's Nikki Fuckin' Sixx. He doesn't have to do a damn thing for someone to go crazy over him.

I think I did pretty well myself. I mean, that's what Nikki and James keep telling me. The audience seemed to agree so I'm gonna go with that!

I don't think I've ever had a bad time when I'm on stage with these two guys. I can't wait to see what else this tour brings...


First show was awesome!
Second was even better!

James was buzzing with energy and put his whole heart and soul into his singing. Nikki was his badass self as usual. The fans went nuts. I couldn't have asked for anything better.


We rocked it yet again! The crowd was insane and wouldn't stop singing along. At the end of the show, James brought a little girl on stage during the finale and it was the cutest thing. I love seeing younger fans.


Me and Nikki goofed off a lot during this one. We always do but I think it was escalated by twenty. We bumped into each other a few times, and every time we did, I winked at Nikki and he poked my nose. We're grown men and we act like little kids. I love it. James is so used to our antics and thinks nothing of it... but I'm not letting him get away with thinking I didn't see him smile and laugh to himself.


We had an interview before the show today, and we had to answer the weirdest questions. One of them was 'What was the last furry thing you touched?', and James said, 'DJ's hair.' That cracked all of us up. I also learned that Nikki's guilty pleasure Disney movie is Aladdin, and James got called out by Nikki for listening to the 'Ice Age' soundtrack in his bunk on the bus last night.

Then, during tonight's show, someone threw a pair of underwear on stage, and they almost hit me in the face.

So... very interesting day.


The tour bus is an interesting place to be. It always smells like absolute ASS because there's three sweaty dudes (us... obviously) crowded together in close corners.

Strange things also tend to happen on it, like contests to see who can hit the highest note without sounding like a bird, even though James does a creepily good bird impression.

Nikki taught us that a pig's junk is shaped like a corkscrew.

Me and James broke into ridiculous dance moves backstage, and Nikki just laughed at us.

I accidentally took a sip of James' protein shake, and almost barfed.

So... another interesting day.

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