Pray For Me

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Los Angeles International Airport:

DJ's P.O.V:

Fuck yes! The day has finally come!

The three of us are at the airport right now, and my whole body is just buzzing with excitement! I didn't think three weeks without touring would be so hard for me to get through, but it was. I'm just craving that adrenaline rush that performing gives me, so I am more than ecstatic right now.

Just being in the airport, and watching all of these people rushing around is pumping me up! I feel like a little kid who just woke up on Christmas morning and is ready to open presents from Santa. That's how happy I am right now.

I wonder if anyone recognizes us... If they do they're probably trying to be nice and not annoy us, but I wouldn't mind chatting with fans.

It's hard to be patient and wait... I've been trying to pass the time by busting Nikki's chops because he has a pink carry-on bag with him. He doesn't know this yet, but I may or may not have snapped a picture and posted it to the Sixx AM Instagram account.

You know that I would never miss an opportunity to make fun of that fucker.

I nudge Nikki's shoulder and smirk.

"Nice bag, Dad."

You should see the face he just made at me. He's used to my rowdy childlike antics, and he fuckin' likes it, but he's just not admitting it.

"Funny that your remark is coming from the dude who's gotten mistaken for a girl with that late nineties goth-emo haircut!"

He starts cracking up, and so do I, because even I know that was a funky hairstyle. Praise the lord for the Mohawk I have now.

You know what? I fuckin' rocked that old haircut though, and I ain't afraid to admit it.

I don't know what world James is in, but I don't think he's in this one. I swear to god, I've noticed him pacing around since we've gotten here. Part of me is tempted to ask how much caffeine he's had today, but another part of me isn't sure if I want to know the answer to that...

And then there's the third part of me that feels a teeny bit uneasy because.... Wasn't he resting on the break? Why does he need all the caffeine?

No, no, DJ, not now... I automatically try to block that thought out because I know if I don't, my brain will start to spiral into a never ending dark pit, and I don't need that now!

I'm fuckin' excited about traveling and touring. I'm not letting my catastrophic brain ruin that for me!

My god, I'm still so damn curious though... I mean... he looks rested to me. Maybe he has nervous energy because he's excited too. Who knows!

I don't know how much longer we're gonna have to wait to board our flight, but all I know is that in less than 24 hours we'll be in fuckin' Paris, and I am so ready.

We're gonna kill this leg of the tour like we've never killed a tour before!

~ ~ ~


I'm probably the only person in the world who is scared of flying... not because of your ears popping, or the unsettling sensation that turbulence brings... Nope, none of that.

I'm dreading this flight because I know I'm gonna be forced to sit down the whole time. The full ten hours and forty minutes... from Los Angeles to Paris... I'm gonna have to sit down. I can't move around, and I can't pace.

I'm just gonna have to sit.

I've been anxious about this since last night, and I slept horribly because of it. I kept obsessing over what the fuck I'm supposed to do because of this... How am I gonna fuckin' compensate for having to sit for so goddamn long?

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