Girl With Golden Eyes

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The vibration of my phone snaps me out of my daze of thoughts. I pick it up without checking who's calling.



I automatically smile as I hear the voice on the other end.

"DJ! How's it goin, dude?"

There's a pause that's longer than I expected it to be, until I hear him speak again.

"Not bad... Miss touring honestly, but I know it's only two more weeks!" I can hear him laugh in the background. "I just wanted to check in with ya... Make sure you're doin' alright."

"Oh... Yeah, I'm doin' okay. I'm alright."

Yeah... I bet you're so convincing...

"I miss touring too, but like you said, it's only two weeks. We'll be back on the road again in no time!" I force a smile, as I sigh. "Just tryin' to rest up, ya know? I told you I was going to."

I feel a jab of guilt, because I'm forever being reminded of how much of a fucking liar I've become.

I can imagine DJ smiling on the other end. It makes me feel even worse, and I'm tensing up as I listen to him.

"You knew I was just about to ask. Don't think I forgot about what we talked about, man."

I gulp, silently, as I feel the nerves bubbling up inside of me.

Nope... I didn't forget.

Ha ha... Nope.


I shake my head.

"I didn't think you forgot, you goof!"

"So, Uh... I was just thinkin'... Well me and Nikki were thinking... We have that interview tomorrow...".

I feel my heart skip a beat because this is the second time that I've forgotten about an interview, and I don't think I've felt more humiliated.

Oh god... What the fuck is happening to me?

I squeeze my eyes shut and let him continue.

"... And we were thinkin, hey, let's spend some time together afterwards! We could order a pizza and chat and shit..."

I automatically feel my stomach churn.


No, no, no.... He did not just say 'pizza.'

Oh fuckin' god.

"...And like, I know you're probably thinkin', 'But you guys want me to rest, don't you?!' Yeah, obviously we do, but we want to spend time with you too! It doesn't even have to be long. It could be like an hour and then we can go our separate ways, ya know?"

I can't get myself to move right now, because I can already feel my head start to spin.

They're gonna make you eat pizza. You can't eat pizza. Don't you know how fuckin' bad that is for you?! You're gonna fill yourself up with contaminants and you're gonna clog your body up, and who knows what the hell is gonna happen to you because of that?!

I'm already getting sucked in and reality is becoming more and more distant.

You could have a heart attack from the saturated fat, or spike up your blood pressure from all the goddamn sodium!

Do you wanna fuckin' DIE?!

"So... What do ya say? Are ya gonna chill with us or are you gonna be a hermit and isolate yourself?" He lets out a playful giggle. "Your choice buddy, but I would dig hangin' with you."

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