Sure Feels Right

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"So, tell me, what are you the most excited about for this upcoming tour?"

We're actually doing one of our last interviews before this tour actually starts.  I don't think it really hit me until earlier today that we really are hitting the road again. 

Man, our last tour was an absolute blast.  I wouldn't change anything about it.  It was fantastic, and I'm so ready for this one to be even better.  I mean, we recently recorded a double album, something we've never done before, so I'm excited about that in general, but I'm even more excited to be able to share so much new music with our audience.  Being a music lover my whole life, I know how different the experience of seeing a band perform live is than just listening to the studio album in your house.  I love listening to records, but hearing that same music live is just a totally different realm... it's beautiful in every possible way it can be.

I look at the interviewer, put on my best smile, and passionately begin explaining our plans.

"Man... that's a hard question, because there's so much to be excited about..."

I'm sitting on a leather couch, with Nikki and DJ on both sides of me. 

"We just put out a double record, and it was such an amazing experience writing it and putting all of it together, so it's going to be absolutely amazing to be able to perform all of this new music live."

I think they know I'm about to go on a big, detailed, ramble, because I catch DJ giving me a smirk and playfully nudging my shoulder. 

I turn my head to face him, raise an eyebrow, and laugh.

"Oh, am I talking too much?  Do you want a turn, buddy?"

I always like to mess with DJ.  That's just something that we do.  He's kinda like my little brother, and Nikki's the older brother.

He snatches the microphone from me and I ruffle his black Mohawk.  Nikki is just trying his best not to laugh at us, when I know he's planning on doing something just as ridiculous.  That's how it usually is. 

People always comment on our performances and interviews saying that there's such good chemistry between us.  It makes sense.  It's crazy... I feel like I've know these two guys for way longer than I really have.  We've explored such deep, heavy topics in our songwriting, so I think we formed a bond that's stronger than most friends do.  Being in SIXX AM really feels like a family to me... Like I said, we're like three brothers.

"And, is it true that you designed the artwork for both album covers, DJ?"

I crack a smile as I look at him, because I know how hard he worked on that design and it came out so freakin' cool.  He deserves to let all of the compliments sink in. 

"Yes.  Yes I did—-"

Our interviewer is a little too excited and basically cut the poor guy off.

"Well, I think they're just spectacular.  You have such a creative mind.  You did an awesome job."

DJ seems frozen in place and I can tell he feels a bit awkward, but he plays it off real well.  He cracks a smile, and winks at me.

"Why...thank you."

It's hard to keep my composure around these two.  Honestly, sometimes I wonder how interviewers actually take us seriously.  We're always goofing off, but that's who we are.  We shouldn't have to hide it.

"Now... this is just a personal question, since I'm curious.  I've listened to all of your albums and I'm fascinated with the heavy and sometimes taboo topics that your songs tell stories about.  What made you feel comfortable enough to really dig deep into these things that most people don't want to explore?"

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