Rise ?

62 6 1

Paris, France



We made it to Paris... successfully.

Well, I would say it was successful for Nikki and DJ, but for me.... not so much.

I have no goddamn clue how I managed to make it through the rest of that flight, but all I know is that it was the most torturous flight I've ever taken in my entire life. Of course, we all know that I caused the whole shit show myself, but that doesn't take away how excruciating it was.

The first three hours of that flight were horrible to begin with, but the last seven... Holy shit.

After purging in the goddamn airplane bathroom and discovering that I popped a blood vessel in one of my eyes, I just felt worse than I originally had. I came back to my seat and after a few minutes, I started feeling acid creep up my throat, and I can say with confidence that I don't think I've ever experienced acid reflux like that before in my life. It burned so bad that I thought I was gonna start crying. My whole chest burned, like there was some kind of fire spreading throughout. When it started to creep up my throat though.... That's when I really felt like I was gonna die.

I probably sound like I'm exaggerating, but I swear to god, I'm not making this up. I was just in so much pain, and didn't know what else to do besides curl myself up and try to relax.

Of course, remember that we're talking about me here, so the word 'relax' isn't in my vocabulary. It's hard enough for me to chill out on a normal day, so can you fuckin' imagine the effort I had to make last night after taking all of those pills?

I had thought that I threw some of them up, but I don't think enough came out, because it felt like all of the symptoms just lasted an eternity. I didn't know when the hell it was going to end, and I knew I had no choice but to just wait it out, but my god.... I am telling you right now, I am never taking them again.

The rest of the flight just felt like a blur to me, because all I did was fidget around with a pounding headache. DJ nudged my seat occasionally and would start talking, but just using the energy to open my mouth and speak made me feel worse physically. I tried to act natural and I tried to not sound rude, but I was in so much pain that I just wanted to fuckin' scream. I thought I was gonna end up snapping at him, but luckily I didn't.

Let me just say, I was so relieved when the plane landed, and we got settled into our hotel rooms.

The second that I got phone reception back, I opened up google on my phone and started looking up information about the pills that I bought, because there was this sense of urgency in me to find out what the hell I even took.

When I bought them, I didn't read the directions, or the ingredients, or anything. I just opened the bottle and took them. Then, I threw the bottle out, so I had no idea what was even in those things until last night.

Oh... my god.

I felt like my heart skipped a beat when I first read the ingredients, because part of me was convinced that the website made a mistake. I had already assumed that there was caffeine in those things, but I had no fuckin' clue how much.

When I saw the amount of caffeine that were in those pills, I swear, I thought I was gonna shit myself. The website said that there was 200 milligrams per serving... That's equivalent to around two cups of coffee.

I can't fuckin' believe that I didn't look on the instructions before taking those... The caffeine content on the bottle was only for THREE pills!

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