Chapter 20

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The three men left the room to give them some time to discuss their decision, the panic overtaking all of them, but more so Yoongi and Jungkook.
"No no no they can't do that!" Yoongi screamed, pulling at his chains desperately as he saw how roughly they handled his dog. Jungkook, on the other hand, watched with wide eyes as Taehyung's unconscious body was thrown to the floor, a gun held to his head.

"Yoongi calm down, please. You'll hurt your arm further." Hoseok pleaded from beside him, but Yoongi just shook his head and clenched his jaw.
"I don't care! This is so fucked up!" The shorter male cried, the others watching him helplessly.
"I... I genuinely don't know what to do." Jungkook said, panicking because the whole squad was dependant on him as the leader. Any decision he made, would be final.
"Jungkook, we can't let them take us back to South Camp, they'll kill you!" Leanne exclaimed, but Jungkook turned to her.

"As long as you guys are safe that's what matters. And we can't work for the rebel group, they'll either turn us in or kill us on the spot and you know it." Jungkook said, completely emotionally torn.
"No Jungkook, Lee's right, we won't let you do that. After all that's happened, we can't let them do that." Hoseok spoke seriously, and Jungkook laughed almost as if he was insane, not a hint of humour in the broken sound.
"Don't you see? There's nothing else we can do!" He cried, the others frustrated that it seemed he was right.

The door opened once more, four rebels walking in. The two that were originally with the leader were there, as well as two new people, one a girl with shoulder-length blonde hair, and the other who's face could not be seen due to a hood that masked his features. Half and hour had passed, and it seemed that the rebels were getting impatient.
"Tell us your decision." One ordered in a low voice, yet the four hostages stood tall, staring daggers right back at them.

"We'll never talk." Yoongi spat in return, wishing he hadn't as the rebel who had spoken pulled out a gun from behind him, taking off the safety and handing it to the hooded figure who stood on his right.
"Shoot him. We have no use for him." He growled, pointing towards Yoongi who stared down the barrel coldly as the hooded person raised the gun and aimed it at the mint-haired male, the other's protests ringing through the room. Everyone held their breath as a gun shot sounded, and Hoseok exclaimed in horror, but it wasn't Yoongi's body that fell to the ground, but the rebel official who had handed the gun to the anonymous person.

"What the fuck?!" The other rebel official shouted, drawing his gun as the new female ran towards him with her fists held above her face in a boxing stance. She swung a leg along the man's ankles, knocking him clean to the floor as one more gunshot sounded, the hooded figure killing him also. The squad watched on in confusion and fear as the rebel officials were taken down, the two new rebels now standing in front of them, breathing heavily. The hooded figure tucked the gun into their waistband, before raising their hands up to their head, pulling the hood down. Jungkook completely froze when he saw the face that was revealed from underneath the hood, completely taken with disbelief.

"Recognise me, Jungkook?" The person said with a smirk, the others all turning to Jungkook in utter shock at the change of circumstances.
Jungkook was at a loss for words as the blonde-haired boy nodded, seemingly looking over at the girl who stood beside him with reassurance.
"Hold the damn phone... what the fuck is going on?!" Hoseok exclaimed, breaking the silence as Jimin walked over to the youngest and released him from his bonds.

Once he'd succeeded, Jungkook hugged the blonde boy tightly, Jimin gladly returning the hug and sighing as the blonde girl went and freed the others.
"I thought you were dead!" Jimin breathed, taking a double-take of the raven-haired boy's face to check that it really was him.
"I thought the same for you. What on Earth are you doing here?" Jungkook questioned incredulously, Jimin sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yuri and I were forced to join after the rebel group practically saved our lives from a cluster, but they're horrible people, and we've wanted to escape ever since. When I realised it was you, Yuri and I offered to help the rebel officials interrogate you just so that we could help. But seriously, we should catch up later, for now we need to find a way to get y'all and ourselves outta here." Jimin said, Yuri nodding and signalling outside.

"We should go. Your friends won't stand a chance if we wait a minute longer." She said quietly, referring to Taehyung sand Kwan as the others stepped away from the chains and nodded.
"The rebel group seems to be really desperate for sanberries." Jungkook remarked, and Jimin just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"I don't know why. They have loads in the store cupboard because they always steal them from camps and bases. It's probably because they're the only thing that you can trade for decent goods." He replied, and Jungkook could feel a glimmer of hope in his mind.
"You don't suppose we could take a few somehow? We're in desperate need of them." Leanne said, Jungkook nodding along.

Jimin frowned, but decided that it would be possible, only if they were quick. He pointed to Leanne.
"Okay, if you follow Yuri, she'll take you to the store and you can both sneak in without getting spotted by other rebels because they're all downstairs. We'll get down there, and I hope you're all prepared for a fight." Jimin sighed, the others clenching their fists in preparation.
"Well, it's the best chance we've got, so let's do it." Jungkook said, the others agreeing to his command.
"Ah, squad leader I see." Jimin chuckled towards Jungkook, his expression then turning serious as they sneakily made their way out of the 'black room'.

"This way." Yuri whispered to Leanne, running down a narrow corridor with Leanne on her tail. They took a few turns through the big dark building, only the light from a small torch that Yuri had lighting up the creepy hallways.
"The storage room is at the end, you see it?" Yuri whispered, Leanne nodding as they peered around from behind a wall.
"I'll keep watch by the door if you go inside, sound good?" Leanne suggested, Yuri giving a thumbs up to the idea as they quietly hurried down the corridor.

Yuri pushed open the door slowly, cringing as it squeaked at the slight movement, before slipping inside. The sanberries were kept in a coolbox in a safe, yet when she went to go and get them, she heard a voice come from beside her.
"What are you doing in here-" a man began to shout, being cut off as a knee was thrown into his back, followed by a punch to the head that knocked him immediately unconscious. Yuri stared with wide eyes at Leanne who stood behind her, her fist still raised and her breathing heavy.

"Thanks." Yuri breathed in relief, taking a moment to catch her breath before bending down to type the code into the safe.
"Don't mention it." Leanne replied with a smile, watching as Yuri stood up with a small box full of sanberries.

"Now, let's get out of here."

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