Chapter 55

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Taehyung had just stuffed a second pair of boots into his bag when the walkie talkie started to crackle, gaining his attention quickly as he swiped the device from his pocket and held it out.
"Hey, can you guys hear me?" Hoseok's voice came through, causing the other two to join Taehyung where he was standing in the old clothes shop, curious to what was going on with the others.

"Yeah, loud and clear. Is everything alright over there?" Taehyung spoke, waiting for a second before he received a reply.
"On an equipment side of things, we've got a good amount of food and medical supplies, except for antibiotics so we'll have to be careful. But we just ran into some alien trouble that almost ended in a nasty incident." Hoseok spoke, fear evident in the fiery-haired male's voice.

"Are you all okay?" Taehyung asked with furrowed eyebrows, Jimin and Yuri mirroring each other's worried expressions at the news.
"We're all intact, you could say, but Jungkook's hurt, his knee is giving him trouble again. Yoongi found him taking two bloody draths head-on." Hoseok replied with a sigh, Taehyung quickly frowning with worry but quickly chuckling and shaking his head a little when he heard Jungkook shout 'I'm fine!' in the background.

Honestly, everyone knew about Jungkook's dodgy knee by now as Jimin would always tease him about it, saying that it was his 'main weakness' as if he was some boss level character from a video game, but it hadn't really showed until now.
"Do you need us to come over there or are you guys okay to start heading back? We're just finishing up here anyway." Jimin asked, having swiftly taken the walkie talkie from Taehyung who simply allowed him to.

"We'll be alright. See you guys in a bit." Hoseok said, Taehyung's group taking this as a sign to start heading out.
"Yeah okay, stay safe." Jimin added, receiving a 'you too' before handing the device back to Taehyung who was busy thinking about how his back wound was no longer hurting him. That medical cream that Jin carried around with him truly worked wonders.

"It's so scary to think that something as dangerous a drath could be hiding around any corner... thank goodness they're alright." Yuri mumbled, the two guys humming and nodding at that.
"Yeah, let's head back before something happens." Taehyung said with a nervous chuckle, and so they began to make their way quickly back to the cottage.
"Kinda disappointed that I can't beat the shit out of an alien or two though." Yuri mumbled, Jimin chuckling and shaking his head at her.

The three of them made it back there first, not even entering the cottage when the other group could be seen making their way slowly up the dirt track. Taehyung ran over to Jungkook who was struggling to walk with Hoseok's aid, taking the younger from him as he saw that Hobi was already carrying a heavy and rather-full bag. He allowed Jungkook to use him as a crutch, the younger leaning heavily on him with his arm slung over Taehyung's shoulders, and Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle a little at a thought.

"It seems the roles have been reversed." He said with slight amusement, Taehyung furrowing his eyebrows in confusion before remembering when they'd first met and letting out a short burst of laughter, the sound being something that brought a small smile to Jungkook's lips instantly.
"Yeah, are you alright?" He asked as the younger limped beside him, Jungkook groaning and looking at his leg with nothing but annoyance.
"Yeah, just frustrated. It's not dislocated or anything major, I just hit it." Jungkook explained, Taehyung humming as they approached the small cottage.

"He's lucky it wasn't worse, that creature literally rugby tackled him." Leanne said with wide eyes, Taehyung turning back to Jungkook with a look of concern that had merged with disbelief.
"Too close for my liking, I'll say. If it wasn't for Yoongi it wouldn't be just my knee that hurts." Jungkook breathed out, the mint haired male who walked in front of them turning and sending the younger two a pair of finger guns as he clicked his tongue behind his teeth, causing them to chuckle a little. Taehyung then shook his head and sighed, pulling Jungkook into the house and to the lounge.

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