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Viv looks at her brother who is in the driver's seat. CJ looks calm and had been in a good mood all morning so, maybe she wouldn't get her head ripped off for answering this FaceTime... She slides her finger over and CJ immediately looks at her with a questioning look.

"Hey," Viv greets Nolan.

CJ glares at Viv, but doesn't say anything. She might be in the clear.

"Hey when are y'all heading up to Malibu?" Nolan asks.

Viv's eyes get a little wider as CJ looks at her again, "We actually went to our parents this weekend and we're headed over from West Lake, but we were gonna run the sand hill if you want to join."

Nolan looks at Viv like she's speaking gibberish, "You're voluntarily running the sand hill?"

Viv sighs as she thinks about the sand dune across the highway from one of the beaches in Malibu. The hill essentially goes straight up and a lot of people will run up and down in the sand for a killer workout. It might be the hardest thing Viv has ever done or right next to the gauntlet, "Yeah no our dad said we could only get the boards out if we did it."

"Ahh, makes sense so who is we?" Nolan asks.

Viv looks over at CJ who is smirking, "Its me and my brother."

Nolan rolls his eyes, "What's up CJ?"

"Nun bruh, howzit?" CJ talks for the first time.

"No complaints, you ready for the opener next weekend?" Nolan asks. USC football opened its season with a big showdown against OU next week so McCoy Mayfield would be in town.

CJ shrugs, "Yeah I guess I mean we already won the natty last year and we only graduated like three seniors so I doubt I'll play past the first half."

Nolan shares a look with Viv who is unimpressed, "Well I'll leave campus soon and meet you there?"

Viv nods, "Yeah that's good." She hangs up the FaceTime and waits for the lashings from her brother, but they don't come.

CJ is quiet for awhile as he considers how this all happened, "So, you're telling me that you got and invited to a UCLA party by football players that you met through me and somehow you ended up having enough of a conversation with Nolan Bellinger that you invited him to come surf with us?"

Viv purses her lips and nods, "Yeah, that's pretty much it so if you're mad technically this is your fault because you wanted to go the party."

CJ scoffs at his sister, "You do remember that Nolan and I aren't exactly on good terms right?"

"Why because he robbed you of two home runs and got you out at second every time you tried to steal last season?" Viv asks and recalls the only two bad games her brother had ever played in his life against UCLA during his freshman year.

CJ rolls his eyes, "No its because I'm still the number one MLB draft pick and he's number two."

Viv does little jazz hands as her brother pulls off the road in front of the sand hill, "Okay so you don't like him because you're better than him? Seems a little ridiculous."

CJ and Viv take their shoes off and start to stretch, "Look he's just not a good dude how did you even get in contact with him anyway?" Cj asks as they start a light jog up and down the hill to warm up.

Viv smiles, "He ran into me, we started talking, he asked me to the leave the party, we got In-n-out and I took him to the Secret Spot."

Cj looks at her with wide eyes, "You took him to the secret spot!? You know that's how it becomes not a secret anymore."

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