Turtle Beach

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Viv took her seat on behind home plate on the University of Hawaii campus as Nolan took the field to for the first inning. It was a little bit of a shit show trying to get an Uber from Waikiki up the hill to the campus and to find the stadium. She had managed to get there just in time. Viv sees Nolan glancing around from his position at short stop and once he sees her dark head in the seats a smile grows on his face. Viv smiles back and offers Nolan a thumbs up, which he returns.

The game isn't very interesting for the first couple innings. UCLA can't get a hit, but neither can UH. UCLA was leading the four game series by three and were hoping for a full sweep of the team that was supposed to give them hell. Viv and Naomi had held their own throughout the beach volleyball tournament. They had stayed undefeated despite a run from one of Stanford's rookie teammates that actually forced an eventful set three that got Viv's heart rate up.

The blonde girl next to Viv cheers loudly for Will Sanders, but she had been doing that all night. Viv sends a sideways glance towards the girl who catches the look.

"Sorry he's my best friend," the girl shrugs and clasps her hands together as the UH player steps into the batting box.

Sanders takes the first pitch and sends a line drive straight to Nolan at shortstop. Nolan gives a little hop to snag the ball out of the air and gets Sanders out. Viv cheers loudly.

"Sorry, he's my boyfriend," Viv shrugs to the girl. The pair laugh in unison.

"You flew all the way out here for him?" The blonde girl asks and nods at Viv's USC jacket.

Viv shakes her head, "No I was already here to play sand volleyball just worked out that I got to see him play."

"That's sick," The girl says and then extends her hand, "River Taylor by the way."

Viv shakes her hand, "Viviana Yelich."

"If you guys have time North Shore is supposed to be beautiful tomorrow. Check it out and go to Haleiwa Bowls," River tells Viv.

Viv nods, "Bet! Thank you we actually do have a free day tomorrow before we have to head back to California."

"You definitely have to," River nods.

Viv and River talk through the game that remains scoreless until the 9th inning. Nolan comes up to the plate as Going Bad plays in the background. Viv holds her breath as the first pitch sinks into the strike zone and Nolan watches it. Second pitch is wild, ball. Third pitch is fast like 97 MPH and Nolan swings and misses. Fourth pitch is the same, but the catcher loses it and the ball ricochets towards third base. Nolan drops his bat and sprints quickly to first base managing to get to first safely.

Third strike rule... Viv thinks to herself. Still getting a chance even though you've taken three strikes.

Nolan had been batting third this game and the other slugger, Tyler, second base, comes up. He takes three balls before swinging through a ball. Tyler's walk off homer sends Nolan and him home and the score to 2-0 UCLA ending the game. UCLA sweeps UH...

Viv says goodbye to River and tells the girl good luck on her surf tour. River wishes Viv the best on her season and the girls part to find their boys.

Nolan wraps Viv in a sweaty hug, "lucky third strike rule," Viv comments into Nolan's chest.

"Hey, whatever I gotta do," Nolan laughs.

The pair talk for a little before taking a photo. Viv heads back to the hotel with plans to go to North Shore with her boyfriend the next day.


Viv pulls a surf board out of the back of the Jeep her and Nolan had rented for their free day. It was a gift from both USC and UCLA to their hardworking student athletes to get one free day, no questions asked on a all expenses paid trip to Hawaii. Of course, they had to preform, but Nolan and Viv has done more than enough to earn this day.

They had somehow landed a dope Jeep the night before enough though it costed extra for their young driver fees and Viv had tracked down a few long boards to rent. They met up early in head to the North Shore.

Turtle Beach was absolutely stunning at 7:30 a.m. and Viv could not wait to get on the water. The waves lolled in gently, which was the opposite of what the North Shore usually did. Especially at this time of year. March was brutal, but somehow they had picked a perfect day.

"The ocean seems happy today," Viv comments as she tugs a rash guard over her bikini.

Nolan throws his shirt into the back of the Jeep and looks at the blue water, "you would know best."

"Let's get it," Viv grins and heads to the water with her board balanced under her arm.

Nolan follows and does exactly as she had taught him back in California. The pair paddle out quickly to a good spot that Viv had scouted. It was a little away from where she had seen the waves breaking over. Viv lets a few waves go as she gets a feel for this new ocean. She takes a deep breath and appreciates the rising sun that warms her the higher it gets.

Nolan glances over at Viv and smiles seeing her basking in the early morning light. Her raven hair glistened and sparkled with water droplets. Her skin had a deep glow to it from her hours playing in the sun. Viv's hand dipped lightly into water and her delicate hands swirled around. She was peaceful and happy. He was going to remember her in this moment for the rest of his life.

"I'm glad I get to experience this with you," Viv mumbles with her eyes still closed.

Nolan wiggles his board over to her and bumps her leg forcing her to open her eyes, "I am happy that we are here together."

"I hope we can come back," Viv says and glances over her shoulder waiting for the next set.

Nolan takes a deep breath, "V, I'm going to withdraw from the MLB draft and stay at UCLA another year..."

"What why?" Viv asks. Her stomach drops hearing this news for the first time.

"I don't want to get drafted to Boston or Cleveland and be away from you for two years before you can go pro or whatever you decide to do," Nolan explains. "If I stay another year my prospect goes up, I get to be with you and I have a better chance of getting drafted to the Dodgers with all their traded picks they made a few years ago."

"Nolan, I love that I'd get to be with you, but we both need to think about what is the next move for both our careers," Viv starts and realizes that she's coming off as insensitive. "I want to be with you, I do, but I just don't want you making this choice without other input."

"I talked to my dad and Cy about it," Nolan tells her. "And to your dad..." He adds.

"What did they say?" Viv questions.

Nolan leans his head back and takes a deep breath, "Cy told me I was being an idiot and told me that relationships don't last in the pros. My dad said he understands why I want to stay and that it isn't the worst idea I've had. Your dad says it's a good idea and it would be a lot easier to get me in LA permanently."

Viv's eyebrows shoot up. She expected her dad to be completely against the idea. Christian has said time and time again how Nolan was his least favorite Bellinger because a lack of work ethic, a nonchalant attitude and his ego. That paired with the fact that Christian had to know Nolan and Viv were getting more serious as each day went by; Viv couldn't believe he had anything positive to say.

"I think that if you really want to make that choice then I am all for it," Viv finally says.

Nolan nods, "its what I want to do."

"Here's to another year as rivals," Viv smiles and pushes Nolan off his board.

Nolan comes up sputtering and drags Viv off her board into the water. They catch a few more waves before heading to shore.

Third Strike RuleWhere stories live. Discover now