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Viviana grunts as she swings through the ball and sends it barreling towards the corner of the sand court. It barely lands in and Viv knows it was a no recovery kill for her.

"Fuck yes, Viv!" Naomi, Viv's new sand volleyball partner cheers. The pair had met at the beginning of the semester. Naomi had transferred from a southern college program and was the same age and year as Viv. After becoming roommates they both realized they were very well suited to play together. Naomi had a level head, rational thought pattern, put up with attitude, never got mad or showed anger, and she liked the rage till the break of dawn. She was literally the best person Viv could have ever been pair wit.

Viv was almost the opposite. She got mad easily, her temper and emotions always showed on her face. She made irrational decisions and said whatever was on her mind. Viv couldn't stand girls who tried to compete with her or one up her. She had a lot of anger and aggression like there was a chip on her shoulder and in someways she did.

"Bruh, you just jumped at least two and a half feet in the air... in sand," CJ comments from his position on the sideline. His Saturday practice had been canceled due to a huge win over Colorado University that designated USC the PAC XII Champions for the second year in a row and guaranteed them a spot in the playoffs. He had decided to come to Manhattan Beach to "support" Viv, but he really just wanted to watch her hot ass partner, Naomi, get reps.

"I told you guys I have actually be training," Viv says with a laugh and slaps Namoi's raised hand.

Naomi nods, "you been going psycho in the weight room I can't lie about that."

Viv smiles the recognition boosts her serotonin levels that are already high from the amazing reps she had been getting in. She couldn't lie she felt strong, faster and like she could go longer. Even her coach had noticed and commented in practice that she was playing the best she ever had.

"If I call some one to pull up you guys wanna try to play doubles?" CJ asks. The question was directed at Naomi, but he knew Viv had final say.

Naomi looks at Viv who nods, "yeah we gonna kick your ass though."

CJ scoffs, "fat chance." He opens his text and sends one glance at Viv who seems to be in a really good mood. He takes a chance on his life and sends the text that is almost immediately answers.

Thing was he knew that Nolan had just been a few minutes away. CJ didn't actually want to play his sister in doubles; he knew she would kick his ass. That was the thing CJ was talented, but when Viv had something to prove nothing could stop her from doing so. She was good too, a lot better than him in most things. The one thing both of them could do: pick up any sport and do it well. The only reason CJ had invited Nolan was because he needed some to distract Viv at the party tonight when he tried to take Naomi home.

Nolan pulls through and says he's on his way up the beach for a few casual rounds of beach volleyball on a hot December afternoon in Los Angeles.

Nolan almost turns around and heads back to where he came from when he sees Viv in a tight fitting USC long sleeve and small black spandex jump at least a foot, may two, in the air and swing through a ball that walks CJ in the chest because he can't react in time. It was scary seeing Viv all hyped and he could only image how that affected her opponents the girl was intense. Unfortunately Viv spots him as she turns around to high five her partner.

"Oh fuck yeah I can't wait to rip you apart," She says with a grin while pointing directly at his chest.

Nolan swallows he hadn't seen the side of Viv that cared or tried just her lazy side that didn't care, "yeah I'm just here for a good time not a long time obviously."

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